More drama

Jul 20, 2009 12:49

I get woke up, after 4 hours of sleep today, by Trisha telling me that nobody's been able to find Diana since last night. She took her boyfriend's parents car and hasn't been back since. Everybody's looked everywhere they could think of to find her. I call a couple people, no luck.

Trisha wants to go to a fucking crack house, because Diana was over there one night and they were feeding her a bunch of ecstacy all night, probably hopin to get lucky with her. So I get up and get dressed, and I'm getting ready to brace myself for having to either a) get my ass beat by a bunch of crack dealers/crackheads for my friend, or b) beat up a bunch crack dealers/crackheads to get my friend. :-/

Well, Nicci calls Tyler's (Diana's boyfriend's) phone, and finds out this little bitch is at school!! As soon as Trisha told me that, I'm like, "Trisha, slap the shit outta her." My mom's like, "Beat her ass." Trisha's like,  "Oh, I AM!"

Obviously, this isn't the first time she's pulled something like this. One time, she stayed the night at some guys house, and lied to EVERYBODY tellin' us that she went to some other guys house clear across town and he wouldn't let her out of his house. She fell asleep, woke up and he was gone, and she dipped out. She didn't want us to know that she stayed at this boy she liked, and that they were making out all night. She probably fucked him and didn't want anybody knowing...

Then, I'm talking to my other friend about her, and I told him the situation, everybody thinks she's gonna end up a crack whore, and nobody wants that for her. She's a smart, beautiful, talented girl. If only she applied herself to the right things, she could make her life A LOT better. Even if it was just A LITTLE bit that she applied herself. Hanging out with crack dealers/crackheads is NOT cool. It's retarded, stupid, little wanna-be street, hoodlum, "gangster" shit. I just DON'T get it.

She's 19, doesn't have a job, lives off her 17 yr. old boyfriend's parents, doesn't go to school, gets fucked up all the time. I just don't get it. Why do people ruin their lives like this? Somebody PLEASE tell me, 'cause I'm just DYING to know...

Now I'm up, and I'm tired as hell. I'm so tired, my eyeballs hurt and I have a headache. This is SO not gonna be a good day. :-/

headache, trisha, nicci, day, mom, just don't get it, crackhead, school, sleep, diana, drama, tired, tyler, eyeballs

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