TG, short for transgendered, is my cat.
We have a weird sort of passing of the family cat ritual around this house. Sambo, the cat I got when I was 3, disappeared one day and big furry black cat came to live with us. When big furry black cat went away, TG came. The universe sends them to us, so who am I to turn them away.
When TG came I fell in love with her. She was tiny and cute and loved only me (the family wanted to shun her (“Away with another pet!! No more!!” - they cried!). I named her Dinah. One day, while holding and cuddling my furry little cosmic gift child, I pet a part I had never felt before. Yes, my little girl cat had furry balls. I had never seen a cat with furry balls before. Sambo and big furry black cat where both males, but they had been neutered prior to me knowing about animals with and without balls and I really never noticed/cared to notice. The point is I grew to love my cat in the female identity she was accustomed to and who was I to judge her for wanting to be a girl cat. Her actions, demeanor and personality are all very feminine (trust e I can tell). So, Dinah turned into TG for short and she lives a fabulous life.
TG is confident in who she is - regardless of the extra furry balls, she is secure in her diva identity and her role in this (read: my) family of pets.
TG does not stress out about the way she lives or the mean ‘rents attitude about not letting her in the house - bitch sleeps poolside on cushions three feet off the ground and in the winter (when I sneak her in the basement) she sleeps in a cocoon of clean laundry set atop a table.
TG knows and has a purpose - if I am sitting outside she will come to me for her rub and cuddle, when I open the back door to let Rory out, she knows that the other evil little dog will see her and want to chase her. I feel it is because the evil little dog is not very tolerant in regards to those of his pet species that choose to live an “alternative lifestyle”. TG lets him chase her all over the neighborhood because she knows I secretly hope the evil little dog will get lost and some other family will take him in (cruel, I know, but evil little dog’s mother does not take care of him).
TG often acts like a dog - don’t get me wrong, she is secure in her female feline diva identity, but sometimes she will display canine characteristics around Rory. This just shows that she can relate to those around her on another level. TG and Rory get along wonderfully.
TG maintains her girlish figure (except for the furry balls) - I spoil this cat. I know you’re supposed to feed your animal children on a schedule, but TG has a fabulous party lifestyle with the neighborhood’s free wandering pets and keeps irregular hours. So, I am constantly keeping her food dish stocked up, and no, there are no other pets eating out of that dish - mine or the neighborhoods. She eats it all, wolfs it down like a bulimic on a binge, but she keeps it down and maintains her svelte feline figure.
I am a human and can’t seem to accomplish some of what TG has (or, you know, I made up for her).