Good morning ladies and gentlemen, here are the LJ updates...

Jul 18, 2011 08:39

Mon 4th: Cooked dinner (pasta with fit tomato sauce of fitness) for the Magnificent 7 at Stephanie’s place. Two or three asked for seconds. Mwahahaha. We also had a contest between Dairy Milk and June’s Danish sweets. Can you believe it was a tie? Those sweets are vile, and we are having them inflicted on us again soon in the form of a contest (to see who can go the longest without spitting one out).

Thu 7th: Court Annual Boozeup, er, I mean Reception. AKA the one time I have worn a dress at Court. It was funtimes, apart from the bit where I got hideous foot cramp (fallen arches strike again, grr), but that was not without hilarity as I had to be checked out by the emergency first aid team, then had to steal a pair of trainers from one of the Magnificent 7 for the rest of the night and the next morning (I’d left mine in my desk at the office). What lovely friends I have : )

Fri 8th: A double cinematheque fest, as I saw Bring Me The Head of Alfredo Garcia (stupidest film ending ever?), met up with friends for drinks, then went to the late-night open-air screening of Casablanca. Twas even better than the last time I saw it : D

Sat 9th/Sun 10th: Alien and Aliens watching with Grace, my partner in film-geekery crime. I say watching, but heckling is more accurate. We put the subtitles on every time because it’s inevitable that we will be talking over the film one way or another : P Sat night we went round to Sarah’s for dinner and watched Clueless and She’s the Man back-to-back. I think I got home and to sleep about 3AM, which I haven’t done for a while!

Mon 11th: A rare night in, spent rewatching the genius that is Blazin’ Saddles : D

Wed 13th: Operation try-to-do-too-many-things-in-one-evening, lol. I had dinner with the Magnificent 7 at June’s but had to dash off without watching Rabbi Jacob with them, as the girls from TradEN had invited me to join them for HP and the Inevitable Sense of Anticlimax. Well, it would be rude to say no, lol. Gd fun, but in the confusion I managed to leave my phone in a friend’s car, whoops. Got it back on Friday...

Thu 14th: In proof that I never learn, I had another double-booked eve, first attending the British Staff Party at the judge’s (very swish) house (the champagne cocktails were lethal, but both they and the food were very nice), then heading over to Grace’s for Jurassic Park (what a great film it is...Ian Malcolm’s lines in particular are all killer, no filler).

Fri 15th: Met up with one of the guys straight after work and ended up going for drinks, more drinks and dinner AKA 8 hours of hanging out and talking until his last train home. Crikey. I’m not sure I have ever done that. Gd times though : )

Sat 16th: Lunch with half the quiz team to sample our winnings (we got a bottle of wine each). Luis A is an excellent cook! Met up with Grace and MJ in town later for Jazz and Blues Rallye AKA every type of jazz, rhythm and blues and rock you can imagine, stretched through the Grund and Klausen. It was excellent fun, despite the pouring rain. Ended up in Scott’s, watching the most bizarre “boxing” on their screens (it was something called super combat, which sounds like a computer game to me. All the contestants looked like thugs and psychopaths, and many had either their names or their sponsors tattooed on their backs. MJ and I amused ourselves heckling it).

Sun 17th: Saw Watchmen for the first time evar: quite liked it (excellent soundtrack), but it did leave me with feelings of undefined angst, nothing that a little Alanis Morissette couldn’t sort though. The Aliens saga then continued with a viewing of Aliens3 (terrible, terrible film, but you can rescue it by playing the Aliens3 drinking game AKA drinking every time someone uses any form of the f-word) followed by light relief in the form of The Princess Bride. Ah, Cary Elwes...

In other news: I finally finished reading Tristram Shandy, read Oranges are Not the Only Fruit, and have now started on Nights at the Circus : )


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