Happy April Fools Day.... I've got you ALL !!!

Apr 01, 2010 21:01

W00t, w00t, I’ve got you guys!!!! This is an APRIL FOOL, did you really believe that I was going to end this amazing adventure just because there are not as much comments as I’m expecting to have. RosenbaumMedia is having a blast of success, and I’m not gonna stop just here in the middle of this success.

Sorry for those who really believed the story I posted about closing this site (you really should have clicked on the link I've given you on my previous article, you would have known that I was just joking), I wanna thank you all for your very nice comments, it was really incredible to receive all these comments, PMs and emails, that really proved me how much you love this website, and that's already enough to me. again thank you, but this doesn't stop here, make sure to read below to learn more !!!!!!

Welcome To the New

RosenbaumMedia News Page

RosenbaumMedia.us has been been revamped and I moved the news page to my dedicated server, this means a new blog software and a new design with many new features.

Don’t forget that RosenbaumMedia News is now located at NEWS.ROSENBAUMMEDIA.US

RosenbaumMedia.us Webmaster
To contact Rosenbaum Media, email at : hamlat@rosenbaummedia.us

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