After several weeks of very long thought, and since I've noticed that the popularity of this website is going down day after day I came to the conclusion that I needed to put an end to this adventure after three long years, that's sad but unfortunately true.
As i've said it more than once, running such a website requests a huge amount of money, especially when it comes to exclusive pictures, and unfortunately I don't have enough time and money to update it as much as I used to, in addition, having very few comments on each of my articles made it even worse since that reflected how many persons were really interested by what I was posting here.
A decision had to be taken and even if I'm sure this will break the heart of many of you (if not all), I've decided to put an end to RosenbaumMedia,
To learn more about the reasons that made me take a such drastic decision and maybe even post your comments,
click here.
hamlat Webmaster
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