Apr 05, 2007 19:23

So for many reasons I won't go into (one was my stupidity) I had something I HAD to do Monday night and I missed Prison Break. No probs, I think, I'll just watch it on Global on demand, a kind local station that shows videos. Sadly, Prison Break is not one of the shows they replay. Neither or Fox will let me see the episode, as apparently being from Canada somehow is forbidden. Perhaps they're still pissed that we are so much better at hockey. Maybe they're pissed that we have BOTH of the best Ryans in the world. Whatever the reason, all I get to see is a stupid synopsis, which is 4 minutes long and makes me CRAZY. 
Anyone know of a good site that will allow me to actually watch the episode and NOT wait until next season???
ALSO, don't forget to send in your postcards to support JC. I've sent two and will probably send two more. If you tell two friends, and they tell two friends....and you all send in get the picture. Go to the community jc postcards (LJ is being a bitch and won't let me post the link properly)   Join and join in. 

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