Totally throwing this out there....

Mar 07, 2007 16:18

I know this is longer than a long shot, but....
Does anyone out there have a copy of  The Architecture of James Gamble Rogers II in Winter Park, Florida that they'd like to part with? I ordered it ages ago and it's still back ordered. I'm guessing it's so popular that they can't keep it in stock. *rolls eyes* Either that, or each page is hand lettered and illuminated by a bunch of Franciscan Monks on handmade paper, so this may take a while. 
I know it sounds bizarre, but if you know me at all, you'd know it really isn't. Short story is that he's an awesome architect and I'd love to read the book and find out more about the homes he built in the 20's and 30's. Shut up. It is TOO interesting. 
So yes. If you or anyone you know is geeky enough to have purchased it and then wants to get rid of it...let me know. 
I'll be in the corner feeling embarrassed by myself.
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