Myshuno! 22: "Will you STOP THAT?"

Dec 25, 2013 20:22

Prompt: "Will you STOP THAT?"
Universe: A Buffyverse Apocalypse
Word Count: 355


Wesley looked up from the chess game when he felt a finger poking his upper arm.

"Poke." The finger poked him again.

"Tara, what are you doing?"

"Poking you."

"Please don't."

He turned back to the chess game and saw that Lilah had captured his knight with her bishop. He sighed and looked at his pieces. Should he use the rook? Maybe his queen?

"Poke." Tara poked him again.

"Seriously, Tara, stop that. I'm trying to concentrate on this game."

"But I like poking you."

"And I don't like you poking me. So stop."


Finally he decided to move his queen, capturing Lilah's bishop. She smirked at him, then used her knight to capture his queen.

Tara had finally stopped poking Wesley, but he could feel her still standing there. When he turned to look, she was moving her finger along his shoulder, not quite touching him.

"Tara. Stop it."

"I'm not touching you!"

"You're still being annoying." He moved his king, trying to protect it with his rook.

Tara continued to move her fingers an inch away from his shoulder. "I'm not touching you, I'm not touching you, I'm not touching you."

"Well stop not touching me!"

"Okay," she said, grinning. "Poke. Poke. Poke," she said, suiting her actions to her words.

Lilah grinned as she jumped her knight past the rook and grabbed his king. "Checkmate." She held up her hand for a high five and Tara obliged. "I win!"

Wesley looked between his little sisters. "You little..." He stood up. "Play against each other, you brats. I refuse to deal with both of you at once. Next time one of you wants to play a game, fine, but not with the other one helping. Win on your own merit, not cause you're distracting me." Then he left the room.

His sisters watched him go. "Worth it," Tara decided.

"Oh yeah. Totally," Lilah said. "Think we can pull that trick on Lorne?"

Tara grinned. "Yes. Yes we can."

"I'll set up the board. You go find him."

Tara saluted. "On it."

And as she ran out of the room, Lilah smiled.

buffyverse apocalypse, myshuno!, sims2

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