Myshuno! 18: Spicing things up

Dec 08, 2013 14:23

Prompt: Spicing things up
Universe: A Buffyverse Apocalypse
Word Count: 616
Notes: Yeah, so, this prompt totally could have gone non-literal, but my brain decided literal was the way to go. So here. Have the literal.


Buffy looked up from her cutting board, which was covered in chopped tomatoes. The Espresso Pump was known for its salads, which meant someone had to chop all the vegetables for them. As Prep Cook, it was her job. "Yeah, boss?"

"Sims quit. I need you at Sous Chef."

Buffy looked at her boss, then at her cutting board. "Who's got prep, then?"

"Copur will cover til we get someone new."

"Okay, let me just finish this tomato." She'd stopped with one tomato to go, and she wasn't the type to leave stuff unfinished.

"Sure thing."

Buffy finished chopping the tomato, put them in the bowl, and washed her hands, the knife, and the cutting board. Then she headed over to her boss, who was in the process of putting together one of their signature salads.

"What do you need, boss?" she asked.

Her boss gestured at the fridge. "Get the chicken and do the spicing. I've got enough already done for about four more salads, but you know how the signatures go during the lunch rush."

"Yeah, I do." Buffy got the chicken without a problem, but the spicing wasn't so easy. She looked at the raw chicken, the entire wall of spices (most of which she'd never seen before), and her boss. "Um, how do I spice the chicken?"

Her boss stopped what she was doing to look at her. "You don't know how?"

"We don't have spices like these at home. Or chicken."

"...Right. You're from Sunnydale, aren't you?"


"Okay, grab the thyme, black pepper, and salt."

Buffy did so.

"Now you want to make a mix. One and a half tablespoons of thyme for every teaspoon of salt and teaspoon of pepper. Make about six times that much, though."

Mixing the spices was interesting. The thyme didn't want to mix easily with the salt and the pepper, but once it did, it looked pretty good. "What do I do with it now?"

"Rub it on the chicken. Make sure you get both sides. Then you're going to pan fry the chicken."

Buffy nodded. That one, she'd learned since she'd started working at the Espresso Pump. Before that...well, she'd never even seen a stove.

Her boss continued what she was doing while Buffy spiced and cooked the chicken. When it was done, she put it on a platter. She noticed there was a glass next to her which had a mix of some sort of liquid she couldn't identify. "What do I do with this?"

"Pour it into the pan and heat it up. Once it starts to boil, pour it over the chicken. Make sure you hit all the pieces."

Buffy did so. The liquid (whatever it was) boiled pretty quickly and went onto the chicken easily. "What was in that?" she asked.

"Our secret recipe."

Buffy laughed. "That much of a secret?"

"Nah, not really. It's just honey and balsamic vinegar, in a one to one ratio."

"Huh. So that's how you make the chicken for the salads?"

"Yup. Once it's a little cooler, you'll need to chop it up."

Buffy nodded. "Can do."

She didn't have to wait long for the chicken to get cool enough. As she chopped up the first piece, she stole a small bite. It tasted...amazing. Like nothing she'd ever had before. She hadn't realized food could taste like that.

She must've made a small noise, because her boss was looking at her, a smile on her face. "Like it?"


"See, that's the difference spices can make, if you use 'em properly. You'll learn here, and you'll bring 'em back to Sunnydale."

"Yeah," Buffy said, continuing to chop the chicken. "Yeah, I will."

buffyverse apocalypse, myshuno!, sims2

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