Myshuno! 18: Liam and Elle bring their kids for a play date

Dec 27, 2012 21:42

Prompt: Liam and Elle bring their kids for a play date
Universe: A Buffyverse Apocalypse
Word Count: 515
Notes: Thanks to Marina, Di, and Fire for the loan of various sims.

"Liam, Kathy! It's so good to see you."

"You too, Elle," Liam said. "Thanks for having us."

"It's no problem at all."

Kathy smiled up at Elle. "Hi Aunt Ellie!" She hugged Elle happily. Elle smiled down at her as she returned the hug. "Where's Caleb?" she asked when she pulled away.

"He's upstairs in his room."

"Oh good!" Kathy immediately headed for the stairs. "Caleb, Caleb!" she yelled as she pelted up the stairs. "Guess what Grandma and Grandpa got me for Hanukkah!"

She disappeared quickly as Elle and Liam smiled at each other, silently reminiscing over the innocence of youth. "Is Stuart not home?"

Elle shook her head. "He has work today, but he'll be home for dinner. I thought Kathy would appreciate the chance to decorate and help make gingerbread men with Caleb."

"Oh, she'll have a blast. Be prepared for a barrage of questions about the tree inside the house and that nativity scene you've got up. She's used to Hanukkah, not Christmas."

"Rissa hasn't decorated your house for Christmas?"

Liam shook his head. "She doesn't care much, and she's been very busy at work, so we've got the menorah out and presents and all, but not so much Christmas stuff. She's incredibly patient with Kathy - well, more patient than she is with anyone else - but Kathy can tell when the constant questions start to drive her nuts. Luckily, it doesn't seem to bother Kathy too much." He rolled up his sleeves. "Is there anything I can help with while the kids play?"

Elle smiled as they walked toward the kitchen. "Well, you did promise to make latkes..."

"I told you I'd attempt to make latkes. I never said I'd succeed."

She laughed. "I did get everything you said you needed."

"It should come out okay, I think. It's Buffy's recipe, and she's always been good at cooking."

Elle put her hand on Liam's shoulder. "I'm glad you're getting along better with her. For both of your sakes."

"Me too."

Over the next few hours, Liam set up the menorah next to the Christmas tree while Elle set the table for six. The kids came downstairs partway through the afternoon, toys in hand, and helped Elle make gingerbread men while Liam tried to figure out the latke recipe.

As Liam had predicted, Kathy asked every question she could think of. Luckily, Elle was patient enough to not mind, and Caleb enjoyed explaining things, so Kathy got a very detailed explanation of Christmas and what it meant.

By the time Stuart got home and Rissa came over after work, the house was all set up for a joint Hanukkah-Christmas celebration. They had a lovely dinner, then lit the menorah and sang songs from both holidays, and then it was time for presents.

As the kids threw wrapping paper all over the living room, the four adults smiled at each other. Considering how much of a success the day had been, and how much the kids were enjoying themselves, they would have to do more things like this in the future.

buffyverse apocalypse, buffyverse bachelor challenge, myshuno!, sims2

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