I dreamed a box...

Dec 25, 2012 14:59

So, Lily and I went to see Les Miserables last night (hey, we're Jews, movies and Chinese food are totally the thing to do on Christmas Eve). Also, seeing Les Mis on opening night = uber important.

However, a lot of people did the same thing. So, even though we got there early, we had to wait in a line outside in the snow before they would let us into the theater.

So we got bored. Some people decided to deal this by ranting about how this had completely ruined their day. We dealt with it by opening notes on the iPhone and writing a parody about sims.


I dreamed a box in time gone by
When hope was high and sims worth simming
I dreamed that box would never die
I dreamed that AIM would be forgiving

Then I was young and so obsessed
And hoods were made and played and blown up
My rotation all was played
All babies born, no sim ungrown up

Then the Sims 3 came at night
With EA as brusk as thunder
And they tear your soul apart
And they turn Sims 2 to shame

He slept a season by my side
He filled my days with thoughts of noses
He took my childhood in his stride
Then he went after 19 more

And still I dream I'll update soon
That all my plots will come together
But there are plot holes run amuck
And staging will go on forever

I had a dream my tale would be
So much better than what I'm writing
So far off now from my outline
Now blorping's killed the box I dreamed

give my regards to broadway, sims2

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