Jan 13, 2014 12:53
I've been trying to get the words written, though it's busy at work and busy at home. What does not help is that I've been tired as hell, due to it being busy at work and busy at home.
One of those no-win situations!
Well, I gave myself reading time yesterday so I didn't totally burn out. Read through all of Akata Witch by Nnedi Okorafor -- an awesome book that's well worth the re-reading -- and today I feel better for having given myself that time.
I used to complain that I had only these three to five hour chunks of time to work in and it wasn't enough. Ha ha! That was before I had a kid or two! Though, okay, back then I was working 35 hours a week and taking 15 hours of classes. But kids are way more effective at breaking up your day than classes, it seems. These days I just get settled in and bam, there's some blowup or kerfluffle somewhere in the house that I must investigate. Or else I hear the sound of little feet coming up behind me, and here comes this little happy guy who likes to sit in Mommy's lap -- and hit the shutdown button on her laptop. Nooooooo!
These days I've been writing in the cracks of time. Here's a couple of minutes -- let's mark up this page of revisions. Here's my 15-minute break at work -- let's get these words down. I'm proofreading and think of a few lines -- I write them down. When story-work piles up, I'll stay an hour after work, clock out, and write at my office desk where it's quiet and my little guy can't shut down my computer when I'm in the middle of a paragraph! Also, baby's naptime = my writing time!
Every little bit helps. And it feels good to keep moving forward, even if I am moving slowly. After all, progress is progress.