May 12, 2007 16:22
So... after weeks of shitstorm; finding out I DID NOT receive a performance certificate, STILL not knowing the outcome of grad school stuff, and graduation quickly approachng....
What happens Wednesday night after my final band concert? The light at the end of the tunnel: A phone call for San Francisco Conservatory of Music saying that they have a spot for me. I'm so used to deleting phone messages after listening to them, that of course I deleted this one... and had to run from the church to SAE and get on the computer and get their number and pray to jesus that the admissions office was still open and then start crying and yelling to the guy that YES YES YES I will be there this fall :)
I did it. And I'm going to keep doing it, and always keep going and playing and loving music :) And now I'm going to start crying, realizing the "Twister" that I have just gone through and that graduation is a week from tommorrow! :)
Ahhh California! MM in Oboe Performance, SAN FRAN SYMPHONY OBOE is my teacher now, AHH! :)