May 10, 2005 03:51
Last night I went to Fuddle with Jess and Em.
Today I did ConCert stuff and ran around doing useful things.
This afternoon was the KGB meeting and then cleaning the KGB office, which is now sparkling clean. After that I went to dinner with Jess, Em and Carmen. Then I went for a walk with Jess through Schenely and had some interesting conversation. Afterwards, we joined a bunch of other people (Akiva, lea, mbrewer, Lizza, dlstern, Grad Student Dave, Em) to watch The Big Sleep (Oddly enough, at the moment, IMDB's movie of the day is Dark Passage, which also stars Humphery Bogart and Lauren Bacall.). After that, Julie took many of us out to dinner at Eat'n'Park on her remaining Dine for the semester, where we met Rolf, rlambert and one somewhat high (not hot) waitress.
Now, sleep.