(no subject)

Mar 23, 2008 21:24

I am returned from Pittsburgh.

Thursday night, I flew from Seattle at 10:45, arriving in Pittsburgh the next morning at 9 or so. I went to Wean and hung around, mostly talking to Jared and occasionally Wes until I had an early lunch with rlambert. Thereafter, I went to Craig Street to acquire a means to acquire a W-2 form. There, I finally met the amazing Gen, with whom I had hitherto been mostly acquainted only via the Internet. We poked around various Pittsburgh neghborhoods, sometimes with drinks or chocolate or in a bookstore, until we managed to wander to CMU's campus again. There we found Akiva and Lea. Gen left to go to look at an apartment, and I went to sit with the other two while Lea ate pizza. Eventually, Psyfe appeared, and then Ed, with his moderately new girlfriend, the beautiful Annie. Thereupon, we, minus Lea and plus Chris and William, went to Spice Island for more food. I had RENDANG.

After this, we played Capture the Flag with Stuff.

The new rules were...enjoyable, but buggy. I am sure they will improve with time. They did substantially cut down the amount of time spent in jail, which meant the game was much more tiring.

After the game, I walked Sherbrookwards with Akive through Scheneley. In Squill, he went home and I stopped in Eat'n'Park to meet up with Psyfe, Ed, Annie, dlstern and Dom. Then went to Sherbook and slept shortly thereafter.

Saturday, I missed going to Shawn's temple by failing to get out of bed until oneish. Then I went to get sushi with Sherbrook people. Afterwards was Rita's, and then Akiva , gwillen and I walked to campus. We stopped by Seven for a bit, where they were having a chocolate tasting party and partook. Then we tracked down jcreed. He explained n-categories to us, and then we talked with neelk about row polymorphism and the C++ template system. Then Akiva, jcreed and I went to Fuddle for food.

Afterwards, there was a Seven party.. Due to some complex drama, it was dry, except for one cup of wine. This cup, along with some wheat thins, were involved in Shawn's putative transubstantiation. There was also some discussion of System F with Chris and Wes, the group theory of physics with Wes and Ed, and good books with Akiva and Annie.

Eventually, we left the party. Sherbrook people, and those staying there, returned to Sherbrook. We watched the end of Santa Clause vs. the Martians and then talked some. Then I called a cab (it being 3 AM) and went to the airport.

Today was full of flying, and now I am ICFPing.

adventures, pittsburgh, party, ctfws

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