(no subject)

Mar 20, 2008 01:04

Today was fun. I had a meeting with Dan at 1, where we went over the ICFP paper draft, which is doing quite well.

Then I went downtown to Pike Place Market to meet up with PL people and prospectives. That failed for a while, so I wandered around and had a piece of chocolate the size of my fist. Eventually, I found people, and we continued to wander around the market. Interspersed in this several times was tasting free samples of delicious jams at one booth. Eventually, we all went back to campus.

Then, I returned to downtown and had dinner with Jess at a small Italian restaurant near Pioneer square. I had some pasta in a four cheese sause, which was delicious, but very, very rich. Then Jess and I walked up to Capitol Hill, and then back down again, with Sheila, her dog. We went to REI, where Jess poked at various camping equipment, and then went back up the Hill. I left her at her house and walked home.

On the way home, I stopped in coffee shop (Vivace) for hot chocolate, and sat around for a while, scribbling category theory into a small notebook. It was fun, and I finally understand what a cone is.

Then back home. Now I am doing laundry and working on the ICFP paper.


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