Month meme, because it intrigued me and I was curious.
The first sentence (or two, because my first sentences are really boring and for humorous effect) of each month.
January: It is the New Year, and I have returned to New Jersey.
February: I have had a cold since the 18th of January.
March: I am in New Jersey.
April: Currently, I am talking to Becca, who is also talking to a Luke and a Mark. I feel so synoptic.
May: This past week was long and full of work.
June: My life has been going on. At some Monday past (Memorial Day, I believe), I passencore rearrived from New Jersey to this familiar city.
July: Good weekend so far.
August: This week has been weeky. I worked a bunch, went to KGB, watched a couple movies (Wonder Boys and Trainspotting).
September: There was a week. I have classes now.
October: Minus an hour and a half break for dinner at 10:30 last night, I have been coding for sixteen hours.
November: I have had adventures!
December: No better way to celebrate the snow than wandering around in the woods with no shirt.