Charlotte Ashley’s review column, Clavis Aurea, has migrated from Chizine to Apex. In her
first Apex column, Charlotte writes about my story
A City on Its Tentacles:
Rose Lemberg paints another ambiguous setting in her stunning story “A City on Its Tentacles” (Lackington’s #1). The City is Luba’s city, a wondrous place on the Undersea where poor people live in carved caves of limestone and the rich in towers of bright red coral. It is a world of sun and salt, music and mystery, and it is entirely a creation of Luba’s dreams, which she must give up in order to heal her daughter, Maya.
It is a very favorable review. It also highlights a certain reading of the story; and while there is no “correct” way to read the story, there are other possible readings. I am very thrilled to have this story reviewed. Many thanks to Charlotte Ashley, and to Ranylt Richildis for giving it a home
Goblin Fruit has
a new issue. I have no work in it. It’s beautiful! I hope you read it.
Alex Dally Macfarlane has a column today, “
Post-Binary Gender in SF: Poetry’s Potential for Voice,” a part of her post-binary SF series. She highlights two poems from Stone Telling - Bogi Takács’s
The Handcrafted Motions of Flight from Stone Telling 7, and Tori Truslow’s
Terrunform (Stone Telling 6) - as well as Shweta Narayan’s
Sheshnaag from Goblin Fruit. More Stone Telling poems are listed as Other Recommendations, along with
Here, We Cross (a collection of queer and genderfluid poetry from Stone Telling), which I edited. I might be slightly biased here. But, you know what, these are very good poems, the column offers an insightful analysis of these poems and so much more; and as for
Here, We Cross, I am still very proud of it, and of the poets whose works are collected in it. I hope you take a look.
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