My body hates me.

Nov 16, 2009 16:08

For almost the whole past week, my foot has been hurting like heck, and I have not been able to figure out why. I finally got to the doctor's today, and found out I have Plantar Fasciitis, meaning MY FEET SUCK. Since I have flat feet, and apparently insufficient arch supports, the muscles in my foot got inflamed, and every time I took a step my lack of arch caused an awful awful pulling on my nerves. Ugh. I have another appointment next week to see a foot doctor and get good arches, but for now I'm using Dr. Scholls. Already my foot feels better, and I have the ability to walk like a not-crippled person! =D

On Friday Pat very sweetly drove all the way up to Montpelier VT so I could look at VCFA for their low-residency children's writing program. It seems really fantastic. It would require a lot of work, which is fine by me since when I have a lot to do I'm actually less likely to freak the heck out. It also looks like making it through the program gives me a good chance of being published, since they are the highest rated program for writing for children =D I am still going to take a look at Lesley U, since it's kind of the same program in less out-of-the-way Cambridge, and also David Elliott teaches there, but so far I really like the looks of this place.

NaNo is going swimmingly for me so far. I'm just at 26K, which puts me right on schedule, though I am a little worse off since I was pretty far ahead a couple weeks ago. But, eh. I'm still going strong, but I think I will soon be reaching the problem of running out of plot....

writing, pain, feet, college, nanowrimo

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