84 days in. Sort of employed.

Mar 25, 2013 20:58

So I have a job. Sort of. And I'm still on unemployment.

A friend of a friend knew I was in need of a job and had some contract work that needed done, so she gave it to me. Thing is I'm not really making enough even with this job to get off unemployment, but at least I'm not using up as much of it. I could last a bit longer now.

I don't want to be ungrateful, but... I don't really like my contract job. It involves calling people for a marketing campaign and I hate that kind of stuff. I'm an introvert; introverts are not good on the phone. I didn't like it when I had a phone job right out of college, and I don't like it now, only two months away from my thirtieth birthday.

But I'm going to keep at it. I said I'd help, and I can't refuse work like this anyway: it's easy and it pays. So I'll do it, at least until I get something more permanent.

And that's the thing: I finally got an interview - my FIRST interview out of... nearly twenty jobs I've applied for. It's scheduled for tomorrow actually, and I had all kinds of nervous butterflies. But now I'm just depressed. Why, you ask? Because I was looking over the email I got detailing the number I need to call... and oh look, the managers that are giong to be interviewing me are from the Chicago branch of this company. Sure enough, when I go to look at my job application, for some strange reason, I neglected to remove "Chicago" from my location preferences.


I have half a mind to stop the interview early tomorrow and tell them I don't want to waste their time as I have no intention of moving to Chicago. It would be different if I was fresh out of college, but I have a life here - my friends are all here and so is my family.

But of course, I'm getting ahead of myself like I usually do. It's just an interview, not a job offer. I should just go through with it and maybe they'll ask me if I would be willing to relocate and I can tell them then.

I wish I didn't have to disappoint all the people who were rooting for me though. This is what happens when I get my hopes up.

utter fail, tl;dr, job searching, jobs

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