And all that jazz

May 09, 2012 18:59

Asked for boxes at the copy room at work. They have those lovely sized boxes that reams of paper come in. With lids and handholds, these are really nice for moving. Even though I won't really be moving until October, it'll be nice to have a jump on things. Maybe I could even start packing this summer? The things I don't use very often.

Anyway, I've another notch in the plan to convince my future roommate to move from her apartment: turns out her townhouse only has 1.5 bathrooms. Which means it would be like college all over again: sharing a bathroom. :/ Granted, we both have different schedules so it would likely turn out that we wouldn't even need to use it at the same time, but still, I've gotten used to having my own, even in my old place with my old roommate. Once her quarter is over, we're going to go apartment hunting.

Sherlock was finally on PBS this past Sunday. Yay! Aside from Irene's characterization - which there were some problems with I thought - I really liked the episode.
[Since I'm lazy, here's a spoilery quoted review that I really liked]Hat tip to rj_anderson who first quoted it from Mark Watches.
I had kind of a different interpretation of the end of "Belgravia". I felt like Irene lost one conflict, but won another.

Ultimately, it seemed to me that there were two struggles going on between Mycroft and Irene. One was for the photos, and the Holmes brothers outwitted her on that. But the other one was for Sherlock himself. All his life, Sherlock has had Mycroft as his older brother, his role model. Mycroft is successful, powerful, and poised. There's no way Sherlock doesn't look up to him on some level. And Mycroft's lifestyle is very clear from the clues Moffat gives us. He says "caring is a disadvantage", he sees his own little brother as nothing more than a tool to solve a case... Mycroft is unemotional, aloof, and arrogant, and Sherlock is attempting to imitate him.

But then comes Irene Adler, whose power comes from relationships. It's all there in her catchphrase: "I know what he likes." She has unquestionable mastery over human emotion, and she uses that mastery brilliantly to her advantage, exploiting Sherlock to make him give her the information about the plane so she can send it to Mycroft. So when Sherlock says, "Sentiment is a chemical defect found on the losing side", he's mocking himself more than Irene. He's aware that she's influenced him intensely throughout the episode, and he's reminding himself of the Mycroftian values he's always lived by.

And then comes the ending scene. Though it's no advantage to him, though it might be more judicious to let her die, Sherlock travels all the way to the Middle East to rescue Irene from terrorists. This isn't a moment of weakness for her. It's a moment of triumph. She's lost her blackmail material, but she's won Sherlock's loyalties, and if I had to choose just one of those, I know which one I'd walk away with.

I think his encounter with Miss Adler has greatly changed Sherlock, and I can't wait to see how it affects him in the future.

Legend of Korra continues to be amazing. I hate, hate, hate, that I have to watch it on the really low-quality vid that's on I wish it was out on DVD NOW. Then I wouldn't have to suffer the blurred facial expressions and wonderful scenery. [Spoilery wondering]I keep hoping that Korra will avatar-state ("yip! yip!") meet Aang. That would be all kinds of awesome. We got a glimpse of adult!Aang and the gang when she was attacked by Korra, but I'd like to see more. Or even meet their kids. I'm sure Sokka's children are hilarious. :D

Castle. Um, wow. [Spoilers, obviously]I got choked up when Castle confronts Kate: "I'm RIGHT HERE." aljaekhakfghkahf And then the end... IT'S ABOUT FREAKING TIME. But what's going to happen? Did she quit the precinct forever? Will Mr. "Smith" give Mr. Bad Guy what he wants? Nooooo. D:

What else, what else... Oh yeah, picked up the latest Temeraire novel and really enjoyed it. Chock full of the usual: traveling, new dragons, Temeraire being cute, Iskierka being annoying, and Laurence angsting for a bit. lol

I also caved and bought all 7 Harry Potter books on eBook. So now I can access them anywhere at anytime, provided I have either my Kindle or my iPhone. I've been meaning to do a series reread on them anyway. Looks like now will be a good time. :D

[Fandom whining; cut for the uninterested]me_challenge was really hopping there for a couple of weeks. We broke over 100 comments for 4 weeks in a row, but now it's back to really sparse commenting. Fandom participation, especially video games, is up and down, I get that, but ME3 is still a new game... oh wait, has it really been two months? That's CRAZY. Okay, so maybe my complaining really is just whining. Or maybe there's been another game release that I haven't paid attention to. Hmm.

In any case, my Gold membership runs out in a couple of days. I forget exactly when. I might be able to catch a little bit of the upcoming MP N7 weekend, but after that it's done. Until Xbox runs another 2 months for $2 deal. Sadness. That means my war asset multiplier thing will steadily go down too unless I start using that iPhone app. My second playthrough is almost done; I stopped this Shepard before going to Earth. I didn't know if I wanted to play it knowing that the DLC is coming in a few months, so I started up Shepard #3, my renegade Jacobmancer. But I've paused on her because I fear the renegade route through Tuchanka. I don't think I can do it. D:

I also started my NG+ with my canon Shep to get the Insanity achievement, but I haven't played much of that. I'm hoping that I'll still be in the middle of her game when plot/character DLC comes out and I can play it then.

gaming, avatar, harry potter, mass effect 3, books, apartment living, tv shows

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