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May 23, 2008 18:52

No new Battlestar Galactica this week. Woe. Also, I'm sick and staying in tonight. Woe woe woe.

So I bring you the picspam of doom of the previous episode of BSG. With bonus rambling comentary by me.

The Cylon 'Rebels'--Twos, Sixes and Eights

Tiny little Demetrius, plus the damaged baseship. Cool-looking. So it repairs itself? How?

Interesting that Kara goes directly for Natalie-Six as spokesperson. Yes, this Six has been very pro-active in their tentative alliance so far (killing the Six who killed Barolay, for example), but just maybe Kara doesn't want Leoben's crazy stream-talking self to be the voice of the cylon. Heh.

By the way, I read some interesting meta about how different Leoben's demeanor is in different situations--with the humans he's often a bit manic and facially very expressive, with the other cylon he's calm and deliberate.

Anyway, the looks Natalie and Leoben exchange make me wonder what else was going on that we don't know about. Eight was mostly ignored.

Natalie comes back after her first foray on the Galactica, certain that the humans will betray them. Leoben's hesitant, but ultimately she convinces the Twos to go along with her plan to take human hostages. The Eights are again ignored.

I've been speculating for a while now--how many copies are left of the Twos, Sixes and Eights? We know there are many eights--we saw them talking to Sharon Agathon. Sixes--several. Twos--at least two. Heh. Here's some pictorial proof. This first shot swoops over the human fleet's ships coming into the basestar. A Two, Six and Eight are gathered near. (gray pants, red shirt--which is strikingly subdued clothing)

Then the shot continues down and we see another Two in the same outfit, also talking to other models.

I was telling daybreak777 that it looks like the cylons are staying mostly with their own model. Possibly as a result of the civil war starting, the different cylon models congregated on basestars mostly composed of their own line, with just a few from the other lines as representatives of a sort. If a baseship of Eights is the only survivor of the attack by the Ones, Fours and Fives, we may have very few of the Sixes and Twos. (I love wild speculation, obviously.) And yet, the Eights seem to have very little power in this enclave of cylon survivors.

The basestar does get a large contingent of human pilots and ships. They're frightened by the Centurions, whose walk ignores the presence of the humans. Creepy.

After another visit to Galactica, Natalie gets concerned about Judgment--specifically, what would those Final Five cylons think of their actions if they do act in violence? The resulting tête-à-tête has more significant glances.

It also has me worried about Leoben's fate--like prolix_allie, I'm guessing one course of action might be for the Twos to take away the Centurions' higher-thinking abilities. That would put him very much at risk if it can't all be done at once. Oh noes! (I predicted Leoben's death a few weeks ago. I'll find the comment if I'm proven right. Just to say 'I told you so.' Heh.)

Laura and expediency

President Roslin ignores Lee's first plea for her to address concerns about her shared visions. She did confirm that she was having them, which I thought was interesting. Lee's second try was more successful. After all, who could resist this face?

Roslin sees the possibility of having a 'mortal' enemy, thanks to Natalie. It's a big realization.

Also, that painting on the wall in Adama's office has this little detail. HEHEHEE!

With Tory her directness was not just, well, direct, but also crude.
Dear Mr. Angeli,
You know frak about writing dialogue for Laura Roslin.

Tory did show her first signs of doubt in a long time. This made me feel slightly reassured.

It also made me start typing a really bad joke about how she was going to get information out of Baltar, but I decided not to take the Angeli route.

Hand of destiny

The 'dying leader' written of by Pythia continues to haunt Roslin. Kara brings Laura information that the hybrid might have more about the Opera House visions.

I loved this scene--Kara's hesitancy (which isn't exactly suprising, considering recent events), Laura taking action when she sees an opportunity to know more. Kara's so excited to be given a chore by Roslin. *sniff* I'm just happy that no one is waving a gun.

By the way, since I'm on the topic of hybrid-speeches, I do think it's possible that the hybrid was referring to the cylons when she called Kara the 'harbinger of death.' I'm just not positive. Hm. I also don't know if Kara thinks they refer to the cylons or not, but she did make that connection to 'dying leader' again. (Laura already called herself a dying leader, to Kara, when asking her to retrieve the arrow of Apollo.)

Visions and dreams--apparently Hera has her share of them. She's been drawing Sixes. More specifically, they look like Baltar's head!Six.

The Final Five Four

In a surprising turn of events, Sam is freaked out. *g*

Tyrol is numb, Tigh is in denial and Tory is not pumping Baltar for information. (Sorry. I said I wouldn't go there, but I lied.)

more destiny--shared dreams

The visions that Caprica Six, Sharon Agathon and Laura Roslin share are gorgeous.

Obviously, for Sharon as the mother, they're also very ominous. Hera seems to be having a good time, though. Yikes. (That to me is far creepier than anything else they had the adorable kid do in this episode--her giggling and running away in the Opera House. At least her running away on Galactica wasn't accompanied by ominous laughter.)

The dream leads to a split story. First, Roslin has Baltar join her to visit the hybrid.

Please note that Helo has given in to an uncontrollable urge to nibble at Kara's hair.

Athena finds Hera with Natalie.

Just when she'd finally gotten off my "I will never trust you" list, she gets put back on it. (I really want to know if Hera sees the same thing--if that's what compelled her to leave their quarters.)

I don't think it was accidental that this camera shot reminded me so forcefully of Gina.

The first cylon to commit violence against her own kind does it again. (D'Anna once said that Caprica Six committed the first act of cylon-on-cylon violence--referring to the head-smash in 'Downloaded.' But Sharon shot another Eight when she and Helo were on the run on the planet Caprica, well before then.)

Felix--end of line

Like DB, I just wasn't prepared for amputation. I was in complete denial until Doctor Cottle had that cutting device in his hands.

I liked the song device being used throughout the sickbay scenes--they worked well the first time I watched, and the second time--wow, the impact was undeniable. The song itself was haunting, minor-key. Alessandro Juliani was amazing as he sang it. The ending was particularly ominous. The hybrid is reconnected and jumps away with Roslin, Baltar and Helo Agathon aboard...


... and we finish with Felix singing, directly facing us. To have her please just one day wake.

It sends chills down my spine when I watch it.

I didn't even get to the Quorom stuff, or the fact that Lee still wears his wedding ring, or Significant Kara/Lee Glances, or Tigh's magical abilities, or... but I'm really tired of sitting here, so I think this is the end.

bsg, picspam

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