Okay, all of those exciting Yuletide letters pulled me in, so I went to look at the list of available fandoms, and I found a dozen that I could probably write.
Oops. I didn't mean for that to happen. And I do, in fact, have enough ideas for requests in different fandoms to meet the minimum requirement for that, which leaves me wondering: YULETIDE YES OR NO? (Sign-up deadline is tomorrow. Wow, that's really early compared to previous years.)
Unrelated, since Person of Interest isn't available for Yuletide this year, but I watched a
spoilery clip from an upcoming episode--the clip was screened at New York Comic Con--and now I am all agog and impatiently waiting for episode five. And we haven't even gotten episode four yet. It's all over Tumblr, so if you want to avoid rather than embrace the spoilery nature of the clip, stay away from the Person of Interest tag. And the Joss Carter tag. And anything else related, as well.
It's good to be excited about upcoming stuff, since
I was NOT pleased with most of episode 3.03. Here's my numbered list of problems from tumblr:
- Why is Shaw, portrayed as a competent undercover agent last season, suddenly unable to wear a dress without fidgeting and sulking?
- How is creepy stalker Ian supposed to be a better father figure for this kid than the people who have raised him for the past eight years?
- Why did Finch give Carter her own job in her new profile to hunt for a potential serial killer?!? Shaw gets a fake name and job, and Joss is… Joss, a cop.
Shaw's characterization so far is the biggest problem; episode-specific plot holes fade in memory, but this is prime time for the writers to create who Shaw will be as part of the team. She was adorable with Carter when they bonded over weapons, she was cute with Bear, but taking away her competency as an undercover agent isn't doing her character any favors. *glares at the writers*
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