Ack, I've already entered the "can't ever catch up on grading papers" zone! Nooooo! *sigh*
I was at the thrift store a few weeks ago--a place I visit regularly, because I like clothes and I like cheap and I like reusing stuff that still has some usefulness--and found a copy of Cassandra Clare's City of Bones. It was two dollars, so I bought it. I finished a week ago and I've already forgotten the names of most of the characters, and my smidge of interest in what happened next was completely extinguished by peeking at an online description of book two and realizing that I just didn't care about any of these characters. Not even enough to read a short and spoilery summary.
I started a book by Sophie Kinsella, Twenties Girl, and couldn't even make it past the first quarter without terminal disinterest.
Time to find a new book.
TV: I've watched the first three episodes of Brooklyn Nine-Nine. It's a sitcom set in a police station, with an ensemble cast. Andre Braugher is the new precinct captain; he's always fun to watch. The element that concerns me the most is Andy Samberg, who's young and theoretically funny, and who hasn't been very interesting for me. In spite of that, I'm still enjoying it enough to watch when I have a moment. Not a ringing endorsement, I know, but I'm not much of a sitcom fan, so consider this a recommendation if you want a sitcom to watch.
Interesting link about TV and other media:
I'm always sad, I guess, when people feel jilted by creative works that show age or have flaws. Good things burn through their periods of greatest creativity and go down blind alleys now and then, while less complex things often don't, for the same reason real plants die and plastic ones don't. You know what never lets me down? Judge Judy, because it's a plastic plant. It doesn't change, and it's nobody's baby. It's there to decorate and specifically to require no upkeep and no attention. belated addition: Person of Interest has started season three. The show is clearly evolving, with two new cast members for this season and Carter's change in work status. That means it feels different, but that's not necessarily bad.
It's not necessarily good, either. I say that because I am still WOEFUL AND DISTRAUGHT over Carter's demotion. Not because it isn't interesting; it's part of some cool plot stuff that's happening. But because it just hurts my heart. :( PLEASE LET HER GET HER RANK BACK SOMETIME THIS SEASON, SHOW. *sobs*
I'm still not in love with Shaw, but having decided to give her a fair shakeout, I'm not mad at her either. She hasn't given me strong feelings either way. I'm waiting for the show to figure out how best to use her. They've dealt with redundancies before: Carter and Fusco once Carter joined Team Machine, for example. Somethings they juggled things well, other times not. But I'm hopeful.
And... I think that's all I have to say about it?
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