I made the front page! (also, fanfic recs)

Jan 22, 2012 19:42

Guess what, you guys! I was googling detective joss carter, as you do when you're looking for pictures of Taraji P. Henson looking cop-like and carrying a gun, and I WAS IN THE TOP TEN RESULTS! My LJ and Dreamwidth were, that is. It was this post, by the way. And now I'm wondering: what if I didn't cross-post entries to dreamwidth and only my LJ entry existed. It would have been higher on the page, right? 'Cause all the hits would be on the one entry? I COULDA BEEN A CONTENDER! *giggles a lot*

Ahaha, and now I've looked at page two of the results, and there are two more pages from my DW account.

Um. On that highly amusing (and really weird) note, I have some fic recs. Let's start with Person of Interest...

Down the Rabbit Hole by jedibuttercup, rated PG. Short, a post-1.11 ficlet with Carter's POV.

Acquainted with the Night by rhymeswithhope, rated PG-13. Cara Stanton, John Reese, Mark Snow. A plausible (and chilling) look into that part of Reese's history. A bit over 1000 words.

Now and Then - Or How the Woolley Mammoth Was Completely Wrong. by rainer76, PG? A fantastic character study of Amber-verse Astrid, from her first meeting with Walter through season three. Amber-verse Olivia Dunham as well. Background Astrid/OFC.

The Package Deal by ziparumpazoo, rated PG. Season three fic: post-episode "6B." Olivia, Peter and Walter, the next day. It's fluffy, but it's also a lovely introspective piece from Olivia's point of view.

Deprivation by norgbelulah, rated PG, about 4000 words. Now AU, but it's a fascinating idea: Lincoln Lee goes into the sensory deprivation tank to see if he can recover a memory of Peter Bishop; a way for the team to test if what Peter is saying is the truth. Lincoln, Peter, Olivia, Walter.

Harry Potter
Les Jours Tristes by lyras, rated PG-13. Luna Lovegood, Narcissa Malfoy and Mr Ollivander, post-DH.

The Hunger Games
Fic in progress: Treading Water by sabaceanbabe, rated PG-13. A multi-chapter backstory for Finnick, Annie... all of District Four, really; set during Catching Fire. I really like S'babe's Annie. Hard to get a handle on a character that we only saw from Katniss's point of view in the books; this gives her some lovely character beats. Three of thirty chapters posted so far.

Doctor Who
Worth Living For by sahiya, rated PG. River Song meets the Ninth Doctor. Just under 5000 words.

Standing Waves by butterflykiki, PG is my best guess for a rating. Rory Williams' POV during the season six finale. Actually, it should be Captain Williams. This is amazing in its timey-wimeyness and Rory's heeeeeart. Just under 7000 words.

Posted at Dreamwidth: http://rose-griffes.dreamwidth.org/225483.html. Comment where you wish.

person of interest, harry potter, doctor who, fic rec, fringe

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