fanfic recs (mostly Yuletide, multiple fandoms)

Dec 26, 2011 22:54

Christmas! It's really fun to think of things to post for my LJ Christmas list, and even more fun (and unexpected!) when someone makes me a gift from it. rirenec took my prompt for more Sam/Jean fic and wrote What Was Needed. Probably doesn't fit canon from BSG's "The Plan" but it's a plausible scenario for what could have happened on Caprica after the destruction.

Yuletide recs! The story written for me is from Bend It Like Beckham, and it's Jess and Jules friendship while away at school in the US. Just the kind of story I had in mind when I made the request: You and I.

Since I started by reccing female character centered fics, I think I'll use that for the theme of these other recs today: a female character must be prominent in the story.

Person of Interest: The More I Find, The Less I Know. Post 1.10, Detective Carter's thoughts about Reese, "Burdett" and the events that happened. Also features Detective Fusco, and the amount of secrets being kept makes me ever so happy. Plus Batman reference!
I'm certain I know who wrote this. Anyone want to know my guess?

Life: Precession, Dani Reese's POV shortly after the show finale; working temporarily with Jane Seever. (A bit of Dani/Charlie at the end.)

Um... I'm not sure what fandom to list for this: When Fics Take on a Life of Their Own. It features Fanfic Writer as a (female) character having a discussion with her beta-reader, Feminist Ryan Goslin, about the various implications of writing RPS. Includes discussion of pornography and discussion of RPF, but no actual porn or RPF (since Feminist Ryan Gosling is not, in fact, Ryan Gosling. Though thinking about this is making me confused...).

The Hallowed Hunt (Chalion Saga, Bujold): Hopes Unmarred, Ijada dy Castos/Ingrey kin Wolfcliff. Follows up on a plot point from the novel that was left open at the end.

Galaxy Quest: Episode Thirty-Three: "The Dark Reflection". Gwen gets the script to episode 33.

Jane Eyre: Adèle Varens. Her story as a young woman; also contains multiple reflections on Jane's experiences from the novel.

Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day: Will You Be Alright?, a lovely and unsurprisingly sad view of Guinevere's younger years.

Willis's Oxford Time Travel series: Time Enough, but None to Spare. Sir Godfrey's perspective after Polly's departure in All Clear--about Polly, Eileen, and the Hodbins.

another for Willis: In the Blink of an Eye. After All Clear Polly has a conversation with Kivrin.

Sense and Sensibility: New Possibilities. A story for Margaret Dashwood.

Posted at Dreamwidth: Comment where you wish.

person of interest, movies, fic rec, bsg, yuletide, books

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