another fandom-related meme thingy

Dec 26, 2011 21:22

Your main fandom of the year?
I guess I'd say Battlestar Galactica still, although that's dwindling and a couple of fandoms seem poised to knock it out of first place. BSG will probably always be my show, though.

Your favorite film you watched this year?
Wow, I haven't seen many movies this year. At this point I'd say Tangled beats both The King's Speech and The Muppets.

Your favorite book read this year?
I didn't read as much as I'd like, although I did read more than what I posted about on LJ. I just finished The Hallowed Hunt by Lois McMaster Bujold and she has lovely, clear prose and good voices for her characters. I didn't love this book as much as Paladin of Souls (both Chalion stories), but I quite liked it.

I also liked Zahrah the Windseeker, by Nnedi Okorafor-Mbachu. Oh, and I read two or three Pratchett novels, and those are always delightful.

Your favorite tv show of the year?
New: Person of Interest. Returning: Parks and Recreation.

Your best new fandom discovery of the year?
If you like Leslie/Ben on Parks and Recreation (and I do, lots) the fanfic writers are an amazing group; such quality writing in this fandom. I've signed up to do a rec list for het_reccers.

While it wasn't a new discovery, I'm a huge admirer of the writers and actors for Parks and Recreation and what they have done with the character of Leslie Knope. (And Ben. But mostly Leslie.)

Your biggest fandom disappointment of the year?
Right now I'm still NOT OVER the idea that a significant, or at least vociferous, part of Person of Interest fandom is so unappreciative of Detective Carter, so I'm not feeling the "Yay, new fandom!" love that I want to feel. *sigh*
really, really not over it

That's probably not the kind of thing that was meant by this category, haha. Oops.

Your fiction boyfriend of the year?
Since we're going with fictional? Ben Wyatt; he's an awesome fictional boyfriend. (If I went with just looks, I'd pick Jim Caviezel. His John Reese would make a horrible boyfriend, though.)

Your fiction girlfriend of the year?
Oh, let's make it a matched set. Leslie Knope. She's awesome.

Your biggest squee moment of the year?
Hm. Probably the rewatch of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, because I got to appreciate how well the show worked even/especially knowing what was coming. (I'll admit, doing the fill-in recaps was a bit of a pain, but the rewatching itself was fantastic.)

Your biggest fan anticipations for the coming year?
The Hunger Games movie. Doctor Who coming back for season 7.

Posted at Dreamwidth: Comment where you wish.

person of interest, movies, books 2011, tv, books, bsg, muppets, terminator: the sarah connor chronicles

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