music and story links

Dec 21, 2011 10:54

A confession: I'm much more excited about the Hunger Games movie trailer than the trailer for The Hobbit.

Hanukkah started last night. Happy Hanukkah to all who celebrate it.

A Hanukkah fic rec: An Act of Rebellion: Eight Nights of Hope. Harry Potter fandom. Some Ravenclaws deciding to bring light into Hogwarts at a very dark time. PG, less than 1000 words.

And Christmas fic--also Harry Potter fandom:
In a year we all will be together; the first Christmas after the war. PG, 1600 words.

Thy Leaves Are So Unchanging is a Weasley Christmas, post-DH. Rated G.

Why yes, I have been reading a few stories at the HP Holiday Gen fest. (Now that I have a complete draft of my Yuletide story I can go read more!)

Christmas music!
Carol of the Bells (for twelve cellos) is so amazing.

Noël Nouvelet--a beautiful a cappella version by Anuna.

Allison Krauss and Yo-Yo Ma, the Wexford Carol. Gives me chills.

Not actually a Christmas song, but I'm linking because it's fun: Identical Snowflakes a fanvid with Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers.

Lastly, Connie Willis wrote a Christmas story with aliens! All Seated on the Ground. I haven't read it yet, but Willis's shorter stories have always been excellent. Mostly I'm linking so I'll remember to go read this myself.

Posted at Dreamwidth: Comment where you wish.

harry potter, christmas, fic rec, music, vids

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