fanfic recs (multiple fandoms)

Nov 30, 2011 06:22

Wow, end of November already?

Battlestar Galactica fic recs:

Closer to the Sun, by meeee! 9400 words. (It's EPIC! For me, anyway. Longest story I've written.)
Sam Anders and the C-Bucs (Sam/Jean), days 1-53 after the cylon destruction. Rated NC-17 for sex, plus there's mentions of (faked) suicide, the cylon destruction of humanity, death and... I think that's it?

Innocent Faces, by averita. 2800 words.
Laura Roslin POV fic on New Caprica (before, during and after the cylon occupation). PG.

Lullabies ( on LJ), by in_the_blue. 5200 words.
melancholy fic (mostly season four stuff) Gaeta/Hoshi, Kara/Sam, Roslin/Adama, and post-finale Athena/Helo (and Hera). G.

Doctor Who vid:
Matches to Paper Dolls, a scarily brilliant look at River (Melody) and the Doctor. By xandra_ptv.

Doctor Who fic:
Around Some Corner I Can Sense A Resting Place, by adventurepants. 4500 words.
River Song when we first meet her (at her end). Also Charlotte, Ella, Joshua, Miss Evangelista, Amy and Rory. PG. I'm not crying, it's just raining on my face.

Discworld crossover, by honorh. Very short.
Ten and Donna visit the Unseen University. G, unless implications of TARDIS/The Luggage sex merits a higher rating.

Just Because, By lyricwrites. 2100 words.
Rory gets kidnapped, saved and hugged. Nice first-person POV. Also, dinosaurs. G.

Amy Pond and the Year That Never Was. By snowdarkred. 2700 words
Just what the title says: Amy during Martha's year of walking the earth. PG-13 for language, violence.

Person of Interest fic:
Questionable Judgment, by radioshack84. 1800 words.
Missing scene from 1.05 Judgement; Finch helping Reese with the gunshot wound. PG.

Eye of the Beholder, by jedibuttercup. Short.
Post 1.07 reaction fic--Carter, Fusco and Reese POV. PG.

Parks and Recreation fic:
A Pawnee Thanksgiving,by stillscape. 8400 words.
post 4.08 Leslie/Ben and ensemble, completely awesome character voices (Tom/Donna friendship! eeee!). PG-13/R for one sex scene.

This is how awesome I am., iconate. Very short.
post 3.14 "The Fight", Leslie drunk-dials Ben, who is also quite drunk. (Snake juice!). PG for mild language.

Once Upon a Time/fairytales:
Suspended (just waiting for a line), by mizzy2k. 3000 words
Emma and Henry. No spoilers once you know who the characters are and their relationship. A nice snippet for these two, with Emma helping Henry and thinking about his fairy-tale obsession. PG.

Übermorgen hol ich mir der Königin ihr Kind (tomorrow I'll have the Queen's child), by waldorph.
No spoilers for the TV show; you really only need to know who Rumpelstiltskin is. This is a compelling look at Rumpelstiltskin as a father, and what becomes of his child. I'd say PG-13/R for some crude language/references, general creepiness of a character who likes for people to owe him something.

Posted at Dreamwidth: Comment where you wish.

parks and recreation, person of interest, doctor who, fic rec, bsg

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