To make it past writer's block, or something like that: I bring you memes!

Jun 03, 2010 20:20

Why did LJ suddenly decide to show me only ten entries on my 'read friends' page instead of the twenty that I'd set ages ago? I had to go back into my customized journal thingy and reset it. *cranky*

Writing meme time! And you have choices, if you wish to help me out by commenting!

Icon meme: Pick one of the icons I have uploaded and I'll write you a ficlet based on said icon.

Time-stamp meme: Pick any fic or ficlet I've written and ask me what happened earlier/later/whenever.

that writing thing where I talk about what I didn't include in a story: Ask me what I 'know' but didn't include in the final version of any story I've written.

something else: I tried to think of writing memes that I've never done before but found interesting. But hey, if there's something else you want to ask, the worst I can do is say no. Or hell, no.

meme, writing

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