BSG fic recs for women who didn't make it into the show's opening credits

Apr 25, 2010 18:39

ave some gen (or mostly gen) women-centered Battlestar Galactica fanfics. These stories are NOT mainly about Laura, Kara, Athena or Caprica Six. They're about other women: primarily about them, written from their POV, or they play a major role. The four women I just mentioned by name do appear in some stories, but I tried to make sure those stories had a large enough focus on the other women that it 'counted.' (It's pretty arbitrary.)

I didn't list stories with original characters playing a key role. I am including some of my own stories. I didn't link any crackfic (sorry, werewolf Maggie) or crossover stories or stories shorter than 500 words.

This isn't meant to be definitive, even without the rules I (randomly) set up. I just grabbed as many as I could from the stories I already have bookmarked. Feel free to put some of your own favorites in the comments.

eta: This entry was made in April 2010, but I'm planning to update it as I find more links to stories I like. (Last update: 6/26/12.)

Louanne 'Kat' Katraine
Goodnight, Kat, by me. Episode insert for "The Passage."

This Temporary Life, by sabaceanbabe. Remix of my fic just above, so another episode insert for "The Passage."

Ellen Tigh
Chavelle's Primrose Mystery by lls_mutant: The last cosmetics vendor in the universe has turned up dead. Ellen Tigh needs to figure out who killed her, before she's accused of the crime herself.

What's Past is Prologue by gotatheory: Ellen Tigh on Earth.

Dead Letter Box, by falafel_musings: Ellen Tigh finds a way to help the resistance and rise above her degradations on New Caprica. Oh, Ellen... *sniffles*

Three Steps from a Dead Planet, by deborah_judge. Ellen trying to comfort Caprica Six after her miscarriage. Some references to Ellen's work as a scientist on Earth (and to Ellen/Saul).

Eights (but not Athena)
Honor and Duty by lls_mutant: Sometimes you have to do things for the good of your people… even if don't understand. (The Eight from the season 4.5 webisodes. Not very gen, but the story really isn't about romance, either.)

Sinistra by me: She started having trouble connecting to the parts of herself she knew as Sharon; she held onto them tightly, fearful of losing what she knew of herself (Boomer).

Reawake, by daybreak777: They are all family. I will find them. Especially her. (Boomer)

The Path of Most Resistance, by lizardbeth_j. AU for the Caprica resistance, with Boomer trying to help Sam and the others.

Not Where I Belong by lls_mutant: AU for season four, "Tory might have pulled her from the launch tube, but Cally's life still felt like it was over. Everything she loved was gone, or at the very least, changed to something that she hated."

Freefall, by sabaceanbabe. Cally from beginning to end.

Better With You Here by vegetariansushi. Cally waiting in the brig.

What I Have, by lorrainemarker. Prompted by this question: What did Cally feel when she found she was pregnant with Nicky (if he's Chiefy or not)? What did she want of life before the attacks?

Sixes (but not Caprica)
Schoolgirl's Crush by demonqueen666: "We were just trying to help these people." (Not really gen, but it's unrequited, and... I just have to keep it on the list, because it makes the perfect explanation for this Six and why she killed Jean.)

Glass Slipper by nicole_anell: Gina still has nightmares that she is ugly.

Why Colors Disappear by lyssie: There are times when you can pretend you're fine and it never happened (Gina).

Into the Underworld by me: Maybe Maggie's already in Hades.

End over End by lint138: This is starting to become become a habit don't you think? You, me, and a frakked up Raptor.

Rook by lint138: It's a funny feeling getting your greatest wish in times like these.

Pretty Girl by me: Seelix is caught while working for the Resistance

Ensign by rayruz.

Layne Ishay
Battle Scars by lyssie: Layne Ishay deals with the mutiny and the Cylons in her own way.

Do No Harm by brennanspeaks: The story of a mutiny, a medic, and the three patients who stayed with her.

Jean Barolay
Nemesis by me. DB reminded me that I forgot to include this. I was sort of purposely forgetting because I love this story so much that IT HURTS ME INSIDE that it's now been made AU by "The Plan." *dramatic sigh* (Yes, I like my own stories. So there.) Anyway, it's post-attacks on Caprica, before Jean meets up with the C-Bucs. Yup, totally AU now.

short ficlet by me. This one is canon-compliant: Jean and Sam working the resistance on (old) Caprica.

Julia Brynn:
Just a Matter of Timing, by lorrainemarker. Five drabbles from Julia's life.

Anastasia Dualla
Ghost Ship by kappamaki33: "Based on prophetkristy's prompt: "Felix and Dee as ghosts on the Galactica. They can't touch anything "real", but discover they can touch each other. I ended up not doing the not touching anything "real" part, though I suppose that depends on whether you read this as being Sam's dream or something that 'actually' happened."

Still Life by having_written (aka munditia): If she’d been more like Starbuck, she could have been loud and angry and looking for a fight; but she was a follower of Hestia and Hebe, a quiet onlooker trying to keep the home-fires burning.

Latter Days by pellucid: another written for the galpalficathon, prompt "Laura Roslin and Anastasia Dualla / intersections."

Feet of Clay, by swatkat24: Gods have this habit of having feet of clay.

Touched by the Sun, by me: written for the prompt "Kara and Dee, the two are forced to join forces for a common good. Season four spec. would be great."

Logic Dictates, by lyssie: Anastasia Dualla was raised to put others before herself, and to believe that things would work out right in the end. The cylons, however, had other ideas.

Five Times Dee Didn't Play Cards and One Time She Did, by kappamaki33: Dee and Gaeta's friendship, though there's a lot more going on as well.

Old Future's Gone, by lorrainemarker. Dee, from before the mini-series through "33."

Received Signal Strength Indicator by lorrainemarker. AU for season four. Dee and Kara.

The next two stories have a lot of focus on Dee's marriage, but they also function as character studies about Dee.

Set Light to Me Some Surprising Day, by mercurial_wit. "People begin to ask her about Lee, more or less constantly, and she watches the concern war with wariness in their faces. Nobody wants to ask him directly. She never once considers telling them the truth..." Dee and Lee and the aftermath from "Maelstrom."

Her Cloudy Trophies (The ‘Go Not to Lethe’ Remix), by munditia. Dee prays because Earth is the one belief she refuses to let go.

Tory Foster
Light at the End by frolicndetour: "Whatever happened to Tory Foster?"

Confusion in the Body Politic; or, How to Lose Your Humanity in Ten Easy Steps, by bookelfe. (Some Tory/Gaius.) "You have been human, and you succeeded in giving humanity nothing more than humanity succeeded in giving you."

Take a picture, what do you see? by puszysty

Vive La, by voleuse. C-Bucs on (old) Caprica. (Written well before "The Plan" but really doesn't contradict much from it.)

multiple women
River to the Sea by grav_ity: Everywhere he goes, Leoben starts a religion. (And all those religions are based on women from the show.)

Where Bullets Can No Longer Wound Us, by falafel_musings: A three-part hauntings fic. Dee receives a visit from Billy before her suicide. Felix receives a visit from Dee before his mutiny. Boomer receives a visit from Felix while she is locked in the Brig. They reach out towards their respective ghosts. They reach for a place where bullets can no longer wound them. (Dee, Billy, Felix, Boomer)

In Limbo, by arenotvalid (aka smercy): Written for the galpalficathon, prompt "Racetrack, Seelix, and Cally / baby-sit." "After surviving an apocalypse, moral ambiguity is a luxury."

All the Poise of a Cannonball by nicole_anell: "You can't declare love on war." (Seelix, Barolay, other members of the Resistance after the alliance with the Cylons)

Echoes Knocking, by lyssie. I, uh, can't think of a summary.

Lost in Space on a Desert Island, by ivanolix: Kara ends up stuck on a Raptor repair flight that has a lot more trouble than the brochure indicated, and she has to work with a new team if she's going to get them out of the trouble in one piece. (Kara, Boomer, Dee, Cally--set pre-series)

When There Were No More Graveyards, by kappamaki33: prompt "Dee friendship with anyone *but* Gaeta. Bonus points if it's a woman."

Finding Colours in the Dark by grav_ity. Jeanne, Paulla, Gina.

Scenes from New Caprica, by runawaynun. Maya, Cally, Kara, Seelix, Tory, Laura, Dee.

fic rec, bsg

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