Title: Schoolgirl's Crush
Pairing: Six/Jean Barolay
Rating: PG for some darker implications
Spoilers: 4x06, "Faith"
Length: 575 words
Summary: "We were just trying to help these people."
It was odd, working with humans. It was strange to be around them, unnerving with them always there.
But she’d get used to it. To them. They would all live together now in this new world.
She had volunteered to work on the water treatment project without hesitation or reserve. Like the rest of her model, she wanted to get in on the ground floor.
It was there she met Jean.
Jean had pretty red hair and clear pale skin, full lips and a captivating hardness to her eyes.
She thought if Jean smiled, her smile would be beautiful. She never did, though.
She liked Jean. Whenever she saw her it made her feel warmth inside, like a beam of sunlight shining straight through.
She thought this might be what love was. She liked that too.
She tried to talk to Jean whenever she could. They worked side by side often, digging trenches and laying in pipes.
At first she was uncertain what to say. She didn’t know how to talk to humans. But there was nothing to be lost in trying.
“Today’s a beautiful day. Isn’t it?”
“Yeah. Sure.”
Jean didn’t respond much, if at all. Clearly she was the strong silent type. She found that very endearing.
“I’m so glad that we’re doing this, working together this way.” She leaned against the wall subtly posed to show off the angles of her body, the slenderness of her arms.
She was being cautious; she would’ve known exactly what to do if Jean were a man. Women were different from men.
“This is the beginning of something new and miraculous. How blessed we are to be the start of it all. Human and Cylon together, the way we were meant to be.”
Jean didn’t speak, but her mouth tightened into a thin rigid line.
She understood. It was a strange idea to get used to. It took some time.
When she passed equipment to Jean she’d let her hand brush softly over hers, and when Jean looked at her she’d give her most radiant smile.
It would be spring soon. Flowers would bloom on the hillside, and she’d gather some and give them to Jean. Their color would be bright in the sunshine, just like Jean’s hair.
She’d gotten used to doing all the talking while they worked, Jean toiling away in silence while she spoke enough for the both of them.
It was why she was startled one evening, when she showed up for a late shift and Jean came out to greet her.
(She and Jean were the only ones working that night. She traded shifts a lot, trying for exactly that.)
Jean was smiling, big and showing the white of all her teeth, and it took her breath away. She was even more beautiful than she’d imagined.
“Come over here, Six,” Jean said. “Back by the septic tanks, I’ve got something to show you.”
And Jean hurried off and disappeared, and she was left standing there with her heart fluttering, taking a moment to calm herself before she followed.
Jean had spoken to her so warmly and was so excited to see her. It was everything she’d been dreaming of, for a long time.
She breathed in softly and started walking back towards the shadows where Jean was waiting for her, a gentle smile blooming on her face.
Today was a wonderful day. She could feel it, right down to her heart.