cylon projection results in werewolves eating dairy products

Dec 12, 2009 23:22

These last few weeks have been busy--not in a bad way, just busy. But it's a bit sad to realize that I've only watched five episodes of Doctor Who season four in the last month, and I haven't opened my Farscape DVD's yet. I have a pile of four unfinished books next to my bed. Plus I haven't done much fic-writing, until today.

Current fanfiction status: about 4000 words of Settlement-era fic done. It goes over some of what I wrote before, from Mark the Two's point of view. At 4000 words, I'm guessing I'm only halfway done. If I can finish before the end of December, it will definitely be a record for number of words of fanfiction written in one year by me. (Um... in the three years I've been doing this. Heh.) Actually, I may be past 2007's total already anyway. Hm.

Oh, and I have a complete draft of the deadly serious "Racetrack is a lycan" fic. It may need more work still, but that's okay. Complete draft, yay!

Other accomplishment of the day: I made a second batch of the crockpot yogurt. If you try this, get a good thermometer. The times the blogger wrote for her batch of crockpot yogurt didn't match mine at all--my crockpot cools down faster, for one thing. So I added in the half-cup of 'starter' yogurt after less than ninety minutes, because the milk temperature had already dropped below 115 F.

Also, I turned the crockpot on low for five minutes at a time about once every hour or two as it cultured. Even with the crockpot wrapped in a towel, I was concerned it might get too cold. (It's chilly here! I'm wrapped in a blanket as I type this! Maybe I need to put one of those Snuggies on my Christmas list. *laughs*)

The first batch came out a bit sticky in texture--sort of gluey. I googled it, and that seems to be related to the length of time you leave the yogurt to culture--more time equals potentially stickier yogurt. It's odd, because I've never had this problem with the heating pad version, and I've left that overnight. So this batch I kept warm for just four hours and so far it seems to be much better. The real test will be tomorrow morning at breakfast time.

Final conclusion: this version of making yogurt requires some actual attention. But it will definitely save you money, if you eat a lot of yogurt.

Wow, how did it get this late? Oh yeah, I was writing fanfic and making yogurt. And not cleaning my home, which is now quite cluttered. Oops.

food, writing, mi vida loca

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