a poll and more TV stuff (shocking, yeah...)

May 08, 2009 21:07

Poll a v. serious movie poll

I've been thinking about the Final Five cylons and where everything fits in. Possibly parts of this are fic-related.

Information that has been established on the show (at least from what I recall) is in regular text. My speculation or other fandom ideas are italicized. This is a useful resource for general information throughout the new series.

The twelve tribes are human. A thirteenth tribe of biological cylons left them and established a separate colony. This thirteenth tribe (inhabitants of Earth I) began to reproduce sexually at some point in time and their resurrection technology was abandoned. Ellen Tigh didn't have children on Earth I, for unknown reasons... I could assume either she chose not to or that she or Saul had problems with fertility.

Ellen and Saul were a functioning disfunctional couple on Earth I, much as they seemed throughout the series. They weren't quite as over the top when they were focused scientists on Earth I, but they wouldn't win any prizes as couple of the year, either.

Tory, Galen and Sam Anders worked with the Tighs to recreate resurrection technology. Anders saw visions of a woman who gave obscure warnings about things to come and the importance of their work to rebuild the resurrection technology. (That's what I recall from the show itself; I'll need to double-check that dialogue.) I think the woman was Kara the angel, but we all know I like Kara/Sam so I'm probably biased. I also like the theory that head!Six appeared to Sam and he designed the Sixes to look like his angel. (This is not my awesome idea; it was in lizardbeth_j's fic.)

I don't really have any opinions about Tyrol or Tory on Earth I. Anders said something about them seeing visions too... I don't remember now. Hmph. (The timeline link says that all five of them had visions warning of an impending revolution.)

Having managed to replicate the resurrection technology, the Five were resurrected when the Thirteenth tribe's own mechanical cylons killed everyone.

They left in a sub-light speed ship to warn their human counterparts of the dangers of enslaving sentient non-biological beings.

Having arrived too late to prevent humanity from creating and enslaving metal-body cylons, the five agreed to create biological offspring for the centurions; in return the centurions agreed to stop the war they had waged on humans. Part of why the Five accepted this agreement stemmed from a hope that with a self-made monotheistic religion, the centurions had evolved enough to be better in some way than the 'centurion' style creatures who had killed the 'humans' (biological cylons) and themselves (presumably) on Earth I.

The first biological model was One, John Cavil. He worked with the Five to create seven other models of cylon. Out of jealousy the Ones killed all the Sevens, leaving seven models of cylons.

At some point during/after co-creating the biological bodies of the cylons, the Ones managed to kill their creators and store their identities/souls/whatever in the organic matrix. They created identical bodies to download them into, and later did so.

The Ones also made some backup identical bodies (of the five) that were concealed aboard cylon baseships--presumably in some part that the other cylons weren't allowed to access.

The Ones made some key elements to keep all of this secret: the inhibitor for the centurions that kept them from higher thinking functions and the 'religious' prohibition that made the other six biological cylon models wary of pondering the missing five.

The Ones also invented the technology that allowed them to manipulate a cylon's 'memories' of the past--to control the Five and to create sleeper cylons as they embarked on their war against humanity.

Ellen's death and resurrection allowed her to remember her true past. Sam Anders was able to recall some information because of the brain injury.

Tigh and Tyrol don't remember their scientist past or life on Earth I. They only know what Ellen and Sam told them.

movies, poll, bsg

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