(no subject)

May 02, 2009 10:49

I have a ton of bookmarks on my computer that I either need to delete or move to my online bookmarks.

The BSG fic I bookmark online has a tag.

Life fic:
a woman a man walked by, by missymeggins; rated R for language and various types of self-destructive behavior

Hand Picked by romanticalgirl. Ted POV about him and Charlie in prison. References to violence.

Doctor Who links:
I've said this before--one way to get me to read sex in fic is to make it funny: Five Things That Don't Usually Happen When The Doctor and Rose Get It On.

The Ninth Doctor: A 'Fantastic!' picspam by kousuke_blade. (found at nine_love)

Related to that, I watched 'The Shakespeare Code' last night and am now talking with a fake British accent part of the time. My brain is weird.

Lost link:
Desmond vid by buffyann. It's really different from most of the vids I've watched.

Twilight stuff:
In case you missed it, you can read the fandom wank post about it (oh good grief, they're already on the fourth entry?!)--a fanfic writer was planning to publish a sequel to the series, focusing on Jacob Black. She was going to call it Russet Moon. The name alone is enough to inspire the laughs. Have part one of Potato Moon.

Clothes! A totally awesome fandom!
Stacy London's Low-Snark Approach to Feeling Fine About Your Body.
*debates over sending this link to RL friend who refuses to buy any clothing that says Large, even if it fits her.

LJ- and fic-writing related links:
Why aren't people commenting on my story? by thefourthvine

Speaking of that (people upset over lack of comments), this terrifying amusing poem in the style of Doctor Suess contains invaluable advice on how to act when your minions aren't giving you enough praise for your writing.

completely random!
pics of wet cats looking grumpy

an article about that guy named Matt who made a video of himself doing a crazy dance all around the world

Someone gave me six months paid time over at dreamwidth (thanks, someone!), so I set up my account last night. rose_griffes again. There's nothing to see over there yet, just thought I'd mention it. (I'm still deciding how I'll be using this. I'm not leaving here yet! I just paid for another year on LJ last month.)

girly, links, doctor who, fic rec, lost, life-tv, clothes

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