A Lost post! How about that!

Apr 30, 2009 21:01

daybreak777 just posted a fic that you should go read! Silent Running. AU Kara/Lee and children (in jeopardy, so in spite of the assumed relationships it's not at all sweet and light). Few people get children's voices to sound right in fic--I'm ridiculously picky when I read and this story was spot-on.

Lost... oh, I'm having such a fabulous time with the show this season! I've been watching the episodes online the next day, usually with a friend. She's sick tonight, so I watched alone and actually wrote a few things down. As always, this is more for my benefit than anyone else's. Don't expect any deep thoughts, it's just me reacting.

(I love this icon.)

Oh no, nothing better happen to Desmond! Hospital scene. *traumatized*

Eloise Hawking, Daniel's mother, is there. (aka creepy white-haired lady)

Daniel. Came back to island because Jack and the newly-arrived Losties don't belong there.

Wee!Dan doesn't get to play the piano. Aw. "I can make time!" If only you could, Dan.

Pissy Sawyer is my favorite.

Too many balls in the air, something's going to fall.

Miles' dad gets the full Daniel sincere/crazy eyes treatment. "I'm from the future."

Six hours until everything goes boom!

Oooooh... Daniel is putting things into motion. Hmmm, interesting.

College!Daniel isn't pleased with his mum. Again. Grant from Widmore. Something about his mother's reaction to that name...

Losties have pow-wow in Sawyer's living room. "He still crazy?" (hee. yes he is.)

Dan's mum was a hostile?!

Dan and Widmore chat in the future. Plane is fake. Promise of healing for brain-damaged Daniel. Widmore is 'old friend' of Dan's mum.

Sawyer knows about HG Wells? :)

Kate & Jack are going to take Dan to the Others, to Sawyer's dismay.

Sawyer and Juliet hand-holding, awww! (I'm weirdly attached to these two. Huh.)

Dan talks to wee!Charlotte. (different little actress, by the way)


Future!Dan and mum chat about going to the Island. She's teary-eyed as she confirms that she'll be proud of him.

Sawyer and Juliet run into trouble while trying to leave the group.

Dan tells Jack and Kate about the magic button, plane crash, freighter, etc. Oooh, the hydrogen bomb is mentioned!

Future: Penny and Desmond at the hospital. He's okay!

Eloise and Widmore! *gasps* "He's my son, too."

OH! GAH! AUGH! Eloise just shot her own son! And future!Eloise sent him back to the island knowing what she would do/had done! AAAAAAH!

This show is crazy. :D

fic rec, lost

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