So I'm Older...

Nov 11, 2008 22:43

I got a little older today.

I've been sick the past couple of days and I was finally starting to feel a little bit better so I was kind of hoping that this dumb cold would be over with by today but unfortunately it doesn't look like it is.

I picked my daughter up from work, went home, went to my folks' house had dinner and cake and now I'm home.

I think I received about 3 Happy Birthday text messages and 1 phone call. It's a little depressing but hey, I know that people have busy schedules and that it's the start of the mad holiday rush and people just don't have time. *shrug* Life happens.

Tomorrow it's laundry and helping my daughter with her homework and some more laundry.
Thursday is dinner at a couple friends' of my boyfriend & I's house (yes I know that's bad grammer and no I don't care). I'm going to be making my cheesey chicken, which I haven't done in god knows how long. I'm just hoping that I remembered to grab everything that I was going to need for it.

Friday is more laundry and I'm going to try and do some cleaning around the bedrooms. Saturday is my daughter's soccer pizza party and then out to a nice dinner with my boyfriend and my daughter to celebrate my birthday. Sunday is Werewolf & possibly drama depending on whether or not a certain player decides to show up. I doubt it, but we'll see.

So yeah, as you can see, I am still around, I've just been busy as all get out.

Now time for a little bit of email and then bed.

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