Drama Drama Drama

Jul 18, 2005 22:47

That seems to generally sum up my life pretty succintly. Especially as of late.

Last week I had the house almost completely to myself. My folks went to a family reunion at my grandmother's house in VA and since I couldn't get the time off from work I got to stay home. I swear my house has never been so quiet. Or so empty for that matter. My daughter went with them so it was really lonely and really quiet. On the plus side it meant that I got to get the house clean without having to constantly pick up after people. I love my family I really do, but I'm not going to say that the privacy wasn't nice.

Thankfully though I did get to hang out with a bunch of my friends that I don't really get to hang out with as often as I'd like. Well except for on Wednesday's for the Garou game that I'm running. Anyone that wants to play, drop me and email and I can let you know what time to come over and where we're playing that week.

My family came back on Sunday night, late and scared the crap out of me when they did. I swear I jumped about 5 feet in the air when my sister yelled down the stairs to me.

This past weekend was my cousin's wedding. The day started out on a not too good note. I ended up sleeping a little later than I wanted to and there for got a late start with everything else. Not that big of a deal really. Unfortunately one of the things that I had to get done before said wedding was to take Ben over to the local Firestone so that we could a new tire put on his car. Poor thing drove all the way from NY to MD on a donut cause his tire blew out. But we got the car dropped off and got ready for the wedding. Unfortunately, the car wasn't ready until almost 1pm and as soon as we got to the Firestone, the sky decided to open up and unleash buckets of water on us. Please keep in mind that at this point we've already gotten all gussied up for the wedding. So a good hour or so's worth of getting pretty, nearly ruined in less than 2 minutes. But oh well. The wedding itself was ok. It had to be the shortest Catholic wedding I have ever been to in my entire life.

The reception was nice, it took awhile for the food to come out and I was afraid I was going to get my arm gnawed off but that's ok. The music was kinda boring but it wasn't bad. I even got pushed around the dance floor once, which was really nice. The only thing that was kind of sucky about the reception was that my aunt decided that she was going to unload all of her personal problems onto my mother and my grandfather. My mom got upset and stayed that was until my aunt finally left her alone, and my aunt decided to yell at my grandfather who was sitting almost right behind me.

Ever since then my aunt has been calling my mother every night. My mom is actually starting to dodge her calls now. Not that I blame her. But that's just one more thing I have to remember every time she calls.

I'll post more later I promise I'm just getting tired and need to get some sleep.
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