I Hate People

Dec 14, 2003 21:26

Well this weekend actually started out to be pretty darn crappy. I was having a god awful day at work, one of my coworkers, whom I've finally decided that I can't stand, decided that she was going to be extremely rude to me all day, and on top of that not let me sit in my own seat. It's MY desk gosh darnit and I should be able to sit in it whenever the heck I want to. And I should not have to deal with people that think that they know everything when they've only been doing this job for oh I don't know, three months???? GAH!!!

And then of course on top of that I find out that we're having more problems with the brakes on the car, yet again. This will be the fourth time that we've had to take the car back to the dealership to get it fixed for exactly the same problem. I ended up having to leave work early because my husband was all types of pissy about it and just wanted to go home. At which time I actually got to hear the brakes for myself and I was...less than thrilled about the noise they were making this time. You know that squeal that buses make when they stop? Yeah well this was worse. So I called the service department manager twice and got his voicemail so I sent him a rather lengthy note about hos displeased I was with the service we had been getting and that I wanted my $500 I paid for labor back. Parts I understood, but not for this shotty worksmanship. I still haven't heard back from them yet but then again it is the weekend so *shrug*...

So after that we took my mom's van and went to the mall. BIG mistake. White Marsh mall on a Friday night two weeks before Christmas with a 2 year old. Yeah I was just asking for trouble. I was twitchy just abou tthe whole time that we were there and unfortunately put my husband into a foul mood. We did manage to get a little bit of shopping out of the way before we left though.

Yesterday was just....gah. I got up at about 7:00am so we could drop off the car at another tire and brake place so that they could just look at it. We came back home and I unfortunately could not go back to sleep. So we waited until about 1 for the car to be done and then picked it up and went Christmas shopping in earnest. We got just about everybody done but I started getting twitchy about the stupid people that were there, plus I wanted to be done everything so that we could leave for game on time and I knew it was going to take me awhile to get into my dress. But the important thing is that we got just about everybody done. And the car was actually sounding a little bit better on top of that. So anyway, we get home at about 5:00pm which was when I kind of wanted to leave so that we could get some stuff taken care of IC before game actually started. But because we were running late we had to do it in the car. No big deal, it got done and that's the important thing. I couldn't breathe for a good chunk of the night but that's ok cause it was my own darn fault for asking my sister to tie the corset that tight in the first place.

So I went to game and had to deal with stuff that didn't go the way that I wanted it to but that's ok. I rolled with it, and it actually ended up being really funny. I don't know how many times I heard "THIS IS A RAID!" Hehehe. It was great fun.

But I'd have to say the best part of yesterday would've had to be the chocolate that a certain person dragged down for me from very many states away just because I had been having a bad couple of days. And not just any chocolate, but Gourmet Chocolate that was so very good that I all but devoured.

Today I got woken up at about 10:30am but it was alright cause it was the same person that brought me the gourmet chocolate so I really couldn't be too angry with him about it. We went out to lunch and had a good time and then....when I got home.... I found out that while I was out, my mother had decided that she was going to take it upon herself to cut my daughter's hair. She hadn't even asked me about it either. And on top of that when I got home she didn't even see fit to tell me she had done it. My sister came up to me and told me that it had happened.

Needless to say, I'm a little pissy right now. So I'm going to go and smoke a cigarette and try to calmn down and continue to not talk to her for a little while.
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