Still here ...

Mar 26, 2008 12:01

... and scrambling to catch up with Real Life Matters, as I'm on the tail end of an obnoxious cold. Excuses, excuses ...

I'm going to be brave and make a (well-intentioned) list of coming attractions (or is that distractions?) for Rose Cat's Rambles. A bit ambitious, considering that there are enough (well-intentioned) To-Do lists lying around my house to paper the walls :D, but what the hey.

Coming Soon
(and in no particular order)

  • Another way silly picspam thing I've been thinking about. (10/5/08: several posted, actually)
  • More of the Adventures of Missy and Rose, hopefully with pictures. (As suggested by Miss Owl Eyes in the icon. Maybe then she'll quit staring at me :(  )
  • My first fic ( :o ), something silly with a little angst. (10/5/08: Down Time at the Hub, posted 3/30/08)
  • Another fic, short and more angsty. (No Need, posted 5/15/08. Although, oddly, it's exactly the same word count as the one above.)
  • Another picspam/captiony thing I've also been thinking about.
  • Some music videos that aren't exactly music videos. (10/5/08: you could call them lyric picspams, I guess, but I still haven't made any)
  • A dark!fic that is definitely not for everyone(there'll be a ton of warnings), several chapters long, as I've plotted it so far, that just won't leave me alone. It won't be as dark as some of the stuff I've seen out there, but ... I'll be looking for betas, if anyone is interested in helping with that kind of thing. This one's going to take a while. (10/05/08: making some headway on this)(10/03/09: still working on it. Honest, vail_kagami, I am!)
  • And, of course, the occasion rant, anecdote, and other rambly stuff, because I can.
Projected fics and other fandom-related stuff are all Doctor Who/Torchwood for the time being, but I'd like to explore other fandoms in the future.

I'd appreciate it if some or all of you would nag me about the list from time to time :)  Thanks!

what are friends for?, rambles, god i feel old, rants, angst, lists, in the forest the whiny forest, fandom, my world and welcome to it

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