Office hours [Firday, March 8] Afternoon

Mar 09, 2007 10:41

She was in her office again, her wet umbrella dripping off to the side. The rain really was getting atrocious.

Rose tapped on her desk then started typing on her laptop as another report from Mickey came in. There was a slight spike in activity in the area around Wolverhampton, curious and slightly alarming. They already have a rift in Cardiff she didn't think they needed another one.

She glanced at her phone again, the voicemail still blinking, the caller ID confirmed it was from some hospital in Metropolis. Rose sighed, she was stalling long enough and finally listened to the message. Despite what she was feeling she couldn't help smile at the pride in Clark's voice. So he had a son and he's leaving on Friday.

Rose started on her memo again, she didn't try to examine her feelings on the matter, she liked Clark but she didn't love him, she'd be sad with his leaving but it wasn't anything world ending. Anyway, she glanced at Mickey's report, this was a world ending concerns with this thing in Wolverhampton, maybe it was time take the idea of visiting home a little more seriously.


office hours

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