felix felicis (and belated thanks to woldy)

Aug 16, 2009 04:24

Just finally saw the "Half-Blood Prince" movie, and was pleasantly surprised to emerge without any major trauma. It looked pretty! All those virtually black-and-white scenes were haunting. And I was relieved that they left out the Remus/Tonks subplot. Now I can pretend that she kept her kickass transformation skills and never did that whole pining away thing.

This was a nice change from the "Order of the Phoenix" film two years ago, which disturbed me so much that I spent several sleepless nights tossing and turning and muttering to myself. It was just a badly made film in so many ways. But what upset me most was the fact that (in the movie) I wasn't upset by Sirius's death. The film sidelined the Order completely, and Sirius just came across as smarmy in his few scenes. I kept brooding about the differences between book-Sirius and film-Sirius, and then started googling "Sirius Black." And that, folks, is how I discovered fanfic (only about 5 years late). So, in retrospect, I'm grateful for the awfulness of the OotP film, because it led to my meeting all of you here on LJ, and reading your wonderful fic!

And speaking of wonderful fic--and of gratitude--I'm belatedly posting a link to the splendid fic that woldy wrote for me at rs_small_gifts. (I was off LJ at the time for family reasons, so I missed the chance to post at Christmas.) She does some startling things with felix felicis--so the fic ties in to HBP (and current fandom events!), even though it's First War Remus/Sirius. I asked for "social class differences" and historical period details, and what I got was an amazing piece of literary art, experimenting with time and causality while tugging on our heartstrings in the best and darkest way:

Waiting for the Great Leap Forwards, by woldy
Find it here at: http://community.livejournal.com/rs_small_gifts/47680.html

thanks, remus/sirius, recs, harry potter

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