Low Expectations

Jun 29, 2004 22:06

After reading some comments about the latest episode of QaF my expectations were so lowered that I found the episode quite tolerable - boring, but tolerable. Even Debbie and Mel didn't annoy me as much as they usually do.

Emmetts love woes leave me totally cold. From the start Drew told him that he wanted this affair to stay secret, so I thought it could be expected that Drew would cancel the affair as soon as it threatened to spread into his "normal" life. And since Drew was pretty unlikeable, I say "good riddance". But I thought it really stank that Emmett told Ted about the affair even though he promised secrecy and knows how much Drew wanted that secrecy. It was unrealistic of Drew to expect Emmett to honor that promise but I still think Emmett should never be trusted with anything because he can't keep his d*mn mouth shut (like too many people on a lot of TV shows and it angers me all the time, too). I appreciate a person who can keep something to themselves, especially after promising to do so and especially when it is obvious that the secrecy is important to the other person. This should be upheld regardless of how the other sees the importance of the secret because, f*ck, it is not their secret to tell.

The lesbians continue to bore me, but Thea Gill's acting was o.k. in her first scene with Sam Auerbach/Robin Thomas. This admission almost hurts me, I am so used to being annoyed with her overacting and simpering ways. Mel's outrage over the affair left me cold. First of all, I heavily dislike Mel, so whatever angers and upsets her, is alright in my book, secondly, how come, Ms. Marcus, that you are throwing stones like you are without sin? Have you already forgotten your affair? O.k. Lindsey wasn't pregnant at the time, but she had a little baby and had left her job on Mel's initiative, and Melanie obviously didn't pay child support, otherwise the stupid Gui-plot would have been unnecessary. And that Lindsey is bisexual is known to every person who isn't stupid and blind.

Since I don't really care about Justin, I didn't mind that he was only on the TV screen for about 3 minutes.
I liked Brian, the professional, in control of the shoot. The rest of Brian's scenes were - I dare say it - pretty boring. That is obviously only in comparison with the last few episodes involving the cancer story which I mostly loved. Even boring Brian scenes are still preferable to no Brian, obviously. And Brian still looks amazing, so that is always a bonus in every scene, but that Prendergast affair was so tiresome and the guy was so obviously a fraud and the actor was so wooden - what on earth did Brian do, to deserve such a poor and boring plot? And, contrary to what I believed before this episode, not everyone becomes interesting in a scene with Brian. Lindsey and Prendergast still continued to bore me, even though they had Brian to interact with. And I had no idea where Brian was mentally during that episode. In the first scene he seemed confident and in control, but in his professional life that was never in doubt. In the last scene Brian seemed to have discovered his conscience, his soft side, while it was implied that he felt pity with those poor shlobs at the hospice. But the old guy with the line about "before we had hope" was just too much. That was so sacharine sweet and stupid it really hurt.

I still like Carl and think he is much too decent a guy for that foul-mouthed, vulgar, selfish, hypocritical b*tch, but as long as she is in a scene with him I find her almost tolerable.
Ted made me nervous last week when he started being conceited about landing the account. Self-confident Ted is nice, conceited arrogant *ssh*le Ted I have seen enough of to last me a lifetime in seasons 2 and 3. Shudder.
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