Apr 24, 2004 21:31
I just watched "Truth", the latest SV ep and it cemented my intense dislike for Chloe.
I can't stand Chloe, I couldn't stand her in the pilot, never warmed to her character since. In "Truth" I really hated her. Her youth doesn't excuse the callous cruelty with which she used and exposed people when given a little power. I have little tolerance for the bullsh*t about "the people's right to know the truth" in the best of circumstances and had none for the petty satisfaction Chloe showed over destroying people's life. Her curiosity and idle cruelty and selfishness is so big that she was willing to abuse her "talent" to get dangerous information from people without a thought to anything besides her satisfying her unhealthy curiosity. IMO everybody has a right to his or her secrets unless those secrets endanger other people. And IMO the so-called truth is, as history shows us, a very fragile, subjective and fleeting thing.
Lana is annoying and boring, but Chloe is dangerous, illoyal, selfish to a destructive degree and spoiled by being a big fish in a small pond for much too long. Since I am pretty much alone with this opinion even the stories by wonderful authors get spoiled for me (a little bit) with the loving care and attention devoted to this dreadful character. At least most slash stories are a refuge for me. Seufz.