Title: After-school
T-Verse: Bayverse
Rating: Teen
Characters: Miles Lancaster, Mikaela Banes,
Summary: There are some curricular activities that unite across all boarders.
Prompt: Miles/Mikaela - Last day, New start
“Lancaster, Banes, Detention!”
Two shocked pupils almost leapt out of their seats, stunned.
The chemistry sub snapped at the rest of the class. “If you don’t stop chortling over their misfortune and get back to work, you will all join them.”
Twenty-nine students closed their mouths. Some had to raise hands to hide knowing smirks they could not stop displaying.
When the last bell rang, almost the either student body thundered for the exit, ignoring the last, desperate shouts of teachers and subs, reminding the teenagers of homework assignments due later in the week.
Miles Lancaster, Mikaela Banes and a handful of others waited for the rush to slow.
“Jock’s concubine and social outcast spending quality time together.”
“Shut up.” Mikaela slugged Miles in the shoulder, not withholding any of the punch.
Miles anticipated the blow, exaggerated the power by throwing himself into the lickers along the hallway. “Geez, - being beat up for speaking truth?” Miles lost his mock humor, grew serious. “Boyfriend didn’t get detention, did he?”
“Trent is not my boyfriend.” Mikaela hissed. As soon as she spoke, she knew it had been a mistake - now it would be impossible to ignore her fellow sufferer. He would not buy her silence, not accept a lack of response, demand a real reason, not an excuse, for failing to join in conversation.
“Maybe you should get one - just stay away from me and my friends!”
“Whoa - someone who isn’t interested in hooking up with eye-candy.” Mikaela shot back. They continued snipping back and forth until the double swinging doors that led to detention loomed in front of them.
“Let’s get this over with.”
Title: Distracted
T-Verse: Bayverse
Rating: K
Characters: Miles Lancaster
Summary: Bored minds look for something to entertain - to one student’s distress, his harmless activity is not allowed
Prompt: Miles/Mikaela , last day, new start
Miles snapped forward, focused his attention back towards the teacher and not the device hidden beneath his desk.
Mr. Noe walked between the desks, stopping when he reached the student. “Hand it over.”
Sighing, Miles turned the phone over. He thought he had been discreet. Not enough, apparently.
“Anybody else with phones out, turn them off, put them away, or hand them over.” Mister Noe walked back to the front of the room. “This is A.P. Calculus, not free time, ladies and gentlemen.”
Miles Lancaster slumped, paid attention to the lecture. Last class of the day and this happens.
Title: Droning lecture
T-Verse: Bayverse
Rating: K
Characters: Mikaela
Summary: To make activities interesting, involve the students! Otherwise, they’ll find ways of showing their disinterest.
Prompt: Miles/Mikaela - Last day new start
“Miss Bane.”
Mikaela sat up, rolled her eyes behind closed eyelids.
“English class is not nap time.” The teacher looked over all thirty-six disinterested, tired students. “We are discussing William Shakespear’s The Tempest - not spreading gossip and rumors about ill-fated relationships!”
Satisfied that all eyes were open and aimed his way, Mr. Reeves continued reading the old-English play aloud.
Fighting off sleep, Mikaela noticed she wasn’t the only one nodding off. The student in front of her gave in after noticing the jocks, Trent, and Vincent putting their heads down. Mr. Reeve’s monotonous tone could drive anybody into la-la land.
Title: On-their-own
T-Verse: Bayverse
Rating: K
Characters: Optimus, Arcee
Summary: Searching for the All-Spark spread the Autobot forces far and wide - they could remain close enough to provide back-up if enemy forces are nearby, or spread out and cover more ground. Loosing the race to the Deceptiocns was never an option.
Prompt: Arcee/Ironhide - Take Good Care of Prime
Optimus prime paused at the shout.
“Is it true? - You aren’t taking more than four others with you?” Shapely pink legs wandered into view.
“It is true, Arcee.”
“No bonded pairs? That’s downright stupid.”
“Perhaps.” Optimus allowed. “But it is a better use of dwindling resources and time.”
Arcee growled. “Better take off before your own bonded finds you you’ve assigned her a different sector to continue the search.”
Optimus accepted the warning. He changed the planned departure time from ‘in five joors’ to ‘four joors from now’. Any sooner, and crucial supplies would likely get left behind in their haste to leave.
Title: Separation
T-Verse: Bayverse
Rating: K+
Characters: Ironhide Arcee
Summary: Two leaders, two bodyguards and more protectors to make sure both stay alive, fighting and providing moral for the troops.
Prompt: Arcee/Ironhide - Take good care of Prime, for me.
Ironhide rested his forhead against Arcee’s. “I wish you could come with.”
“My place is at The Elita’s side.”
“Can’t you remain by mine, forever and ever?” the large mech’s trembles went unnoticed.
Arcee chuckled. “I will miss you too, Ironhide.” She drew her head away, just far enough to gaze deep into his worried optics.
“Keep Prime safe.”
“I will.” Ironhide promised. “You keep The Elita from trouble.”
“As much as possible.”
The reddish-black bodyguard and hellishly pink protector let their foreheads rest against the other’s for as long as they could.
Too soon, respective duties tore them apart.