Title: SeeSaw
T-Verse: Bayverse
Rating: K+
Characters: Lennox, OC
Summary: Democracy has its ups and downs - a change in leadership means an alteration in priorities.
Prompt #5 Other-Wordy “Temerate” (v) - To break a binding promise
Temperance McCoy, the government’s chosen liaison to the Autobots (and NEST) crossed her arms.
“You can’t order the Autobots to simply leave earth!” Lennox protested the orders he had received - orders that disbanded NEST, reassigned the human components to other military divisions, and disavowing the amnesty the previous president had granted their visitors.
“Watch me.” Temperance crossed over the busy floor. “Get moving!”
Soldiers used to obeying orders the instant they were uttered, rushed to pack all belongings and haul them out of NEST barracks, preparing to move on to their next assignment.
“Did you not hear what I said, soldier?”
“Yeah, I heard you.” Lennox forced himself to invade McCoy’s personal space. “These orders are illegal.”
“They are signed by the current President.” McCoy did not bat an eye. “That makes them legal - and disobedience, mutiny.”
“Lennox found himself stepping back, giving the intruder space. “The president himself authorized NEST - we need the Autobot’s help to defend ourselves form interstellar invaders.”
“The current administration thinks otherwise.”
Leadfoot, Ratchet, Sideswipe, Que, and others just waited for the humans to figure out who had authority - and which conflicting orders to follow.