
Sep 21, 2016 22:32

Title:  Unluckiest of finds
Characters: Frenzy, Seymour Simmons
Author: Rose0mary
T-Series: Bayverse (AU -ROTF)
Prompt: “A cold room”
Summary:  Sometimes what you don’t know will take you out of the action.

Being smaller than most mecha made Frenzy more energy efficient.  It helped him survive in enemy territory by helping him avoid being picked up by thermal imaging scanners - it also meant that he sometimes had trouble regulating his temperature in extreme climates.    Like energon-freezing cold.

In the vacuum of space, or on a planet far from a sun, succumbing to cold was a very real threat.  It was one of a multitude of reasons cassettes had carriers.

Frenzy knew earth couldn’t become cold enough to freeze a standard frame, but he wasn’t a standard frame!  (The memory of finding a stasis-locked Megatron contained through copious amounts of liquid nitrogen, had been deleted.  It was an image no one should have - ever!)

All the facts about earth being dangerously cold had been carefully - sometimes even cheerfully - ignored or filed away.  Barricade’s internal heater had kept the worst of the ice at bay, during the long search for Megatron, the All-Spark, or any other relics of the Ancients that might lead to the extermination of the Autobots.

Locked in a working freezer shouldn’t have been enough to incapacitate Frenzy.  He refused to believe that the cold-controlled storage units.  Not when the Autobots had been actively cursing his name for eons over planted viruses, downloaded intel, and a host of other electronic sabotage he and Rumble had caused every time they made it into an enemy base undetected.

Just saying it was so, didn’t change the situation.

He refused to believe it had been anything other than bad luck when his infernal curiosity about what went on behind closed doors, meant the squishes had inadvertently locked him in one of their commercial grade freezers.

Capturing an unsuspecting cassette was one thing.  Containing an irate cassette was something else.  But what did the local insects need with metal claws on chains, in rooms cold enough to freeze their carcasses solid?  The headless, bloodless flesh bags dangling in mid-air looked nothing like the pests that had destroyed Megatron.

For one, the squishes didn’t have hooves.  Nor did they walk on four legs - plus the size of the rock-hard things was much larger than the typical size of a mobile insect.

Was ice supposed to form in his lines before or after his optics froze over, due to the lack of heat his body produced?


“Look, I don’t really care who gets the credit.  I just want the frozen minced machine out of my mom’s meat-freezer!”

“No, you listen to me, NEST, Robo-Warrior knows an alien invader when he sees one, and I’m telling you, there is one of those idiots locked in the company’s meat freezer - get it out before my mom has a cow!”

Seymour Simmons pulled the phone away from his ear.  “Apparently I will have to involve the real-effin-deal for someone to take me seriously!”   He muttered curse words designed to infuriate the Non-Biological-Entity that had no doubt been tracking the call the moment a civilian phone number called the classified-line.

writing, transformers bayverse, char: simmons, char: frenzy, prompt

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