Having looked back at last year’s resolution (only one), I can admit to myself that I have totally and utterly failed.
Not only have I not lost any weight, I gained weight - more than one or three pounds, which would be ‘reasonable’ considering that November and December are absolutely filled with parties, get-togethers and smorgasbords where everyone is invited to gorge and stuff themselves beyond simple satisfaction.
However, The year 2014 did NOT end on a negative note. (nor did 2015 start on a sour note, despite my increased waistline).
I went and joined the gym - some might consider a three-year commitment a bit overboard (and extravagate) when one didn’t exercise regularly before, but I have found myself going at a minimum of once a week … and used the heated pool/Jacuzzi more than once to relax and relax sore or stiff muscles.
Found myself paid with counterfeit cash. Wish I’d noticed before I tried buying groceries with the bill that I had a fake $20, but it looked and felt real to me - and the person who paid me for pet sitting and some yardwork I did one weekend.
On that note, I might want to reconsider sending my money through the washing machine. (Which, I accidentally did for a third or fourth time in the last five years, forgetting to double-check all the pockets before tossing them in the dirty-clothes pile). Fake money would probably end up all shredded, faded, and wrecked, while real cash survives the suds and agitation. (They should: those durable bills are made of the same material jeans are made from … or so I read somewhere)
Unrelated to the above: I learned my youngest sister is engaged and is, tentative date, going to be married in mid September of 2015.
I also rediscovered my enjoyment of crocheting (that’s a type of needlework, which typically uses only one needle - knitting requires two. Never learned embroidery or tatting, but I understand one of them is simply a lot of knots arranged in patterns) and found myself spending several relaxing hours crocheting socks for my immediate family.
Now, if only I find the inspiration to continue creating hand-made objects (I see a whole lot of blankets and quilts in my future), in sufficient numbers and size to reduce my barrel full of yarn to a more manageable size.
How is it I managed to collect a small mole of unused yarn skeins without noticing over the last five years? At least it’s colorful - but doing no good simply stuffed into the corners of every available closet.
Good news continued: I have found myself going out more.
Not only have I been invited to more social gatherings (beyond the potlucks and festivals that center around food and deserts), I have found myself wanting to go.
Case in point:
Halloween/birthday celebration - went out with a few friends. Stayed up way past midnight enjoying the bonefire in the countryside. (Contained, and built on a sand-pit)
New Years too!
Normally I don’t go to new-years parties. Not because I dislike the presence of alcohol and people with lowered inhibitions, but because I fail to remember either the fact I was invited, or the date and time. (Oh, that was last night? I forgot!). This year (Dec 31st), I did make it.
And had a blast! (it was a low-key party, with drinks - water, soda, tea, lemonade, milk, juice, and similar, provided. All the party-goers had to bring was themselves. It was suggested they bring a much-loved group game). The karaoke was fun, as were the themed photos, and the atmosphere was very relaxed. I felt sorry about leaving when I did - even though it was past the time the party had initially been scheduled to end, and I needed to report to work in the morning.
All in all, 2014 had ups and downs.
I remember more of the high points than the low points, obviously. Here's praying 2015 has just as many new experiences - and welcome memories.