ultharkitty originally posted
this meme and it's been nabbed a few times by various posters.
Often enough that I decided to join in the fun!
The challenge:
What are your five favourite fics that you've written?
Include links so people can read them.
Make a new post with your answers so more people can see them. Writers are encouraged and expected to be self effacing and down on their work, and self-reccing is something people tend to sideeye. Which is pretty unhelpful - it encourages us to downplay the things that make us smile, and can contribute to some shitty thought processes. Plus, it means we don't end up sharing something that could make someone else smile. Some of the best fics I've read recently have been new links to old work that I've missed or read a while back and forgotten to return to. It's great to rediscover stories, and it's good to celebrate the things that make us happy. So meme?
Here are my Five!
WalkaboutCharacter: Jazz, OC
Prompt: 1 Fernweh wanderlust “an ache for distant places”
WHY? - Because it is short, sweet, and looks at one of the reasons Jazz is perfect for special ops.
CHARACTER: Starscream
T-SERIES: Generation 1 (Any)
AUTHOR: Rose0mary
SUMMARY: One mech can make the difference between a city's survival and a city's destruction
WHY? - It takes a second look at (some of) the events leading up to Praxus fall, and digs deeper into the mindset of one particular mech and his choice.
The Beginning of the EndAUTHOR: Rose0Mary
Timeline/Continuity: PreWar, so any)
CHARACTERS: Originals, with mentions of various 'real' Transformers
WARNINGS: Um, don't think there's any here. Maybe future updates? (when they get written):
WHY? Yes, others have written about Cybertron during it's Golden Age and the slow fall to civil war, but I think my take is different - well, it should be, if I ever write the chapters following this prologue - (I had fun typing this, and wanted to remind myself it exits)
Last ResortRating: K+
Character(s): Orion Pax
Verse: Any - Prewar
Summary: Do not delay payment, for others depend on what you promised them.
Prompt 2: SCENARIO a bank robbery
WHY? I remember reading a bunny that suggested the reason Optimus Prime gets along so well with his unorthodox crew, is because he bent the rules too! And then I got to thinking, what would cause Optimus, the leader of the law-abiding Autobots, to focus on the moral aspect instead of legal aspect?
Physician, Heal ThyselfRATING: K Everyone - Kid friendly
CHARACTERS: Ratchet, First Aid, Prowl
Verse/Continuity: Any (G1)
SUMMARY: Someone has to intervene when the medic pushes himself too far
WHY? - Looking at the interactions of the officers, has (almost) always interested me - and since they are such a well-oiled working machine, they can look out for each other as well. (Plus, it's fun watching Ratchet being taken care of, occasionally)
and a BONUS clip.
Nov 2013 PROMPT: 6 Scenario: A robotic character is transformed into a
NON-human alien... Okay, so, its actually a collection of six dabbles, but I had fun writing them.
Cause at first, I thought there was NO WAY Transformers could be anything other than robotic characters. Then I did a little digging - and the G1 cartoons alone had a few examples to the contrary. So, I choice to expand one or two scenarios, write tags to an episode or two, and cross minor characters with the Star Trek franchise.