[~Open~] Football Shopping/Nonsense

Feb 06, 2010 20:28

It's that time again~! The time where shopping is a must for women and men. To where we must get the Tortilla chips first, or when we must get a specific type of jersey for the big game.

And by big game, I mean SuperBowl. This past month has been nothing but shopping for sports memorabilia and it's not like it's stopped at our shop. Ohhhhh no, the bakery shop is FULL of people asking for cakes and pastries with their football team signia, logo, colors, anything. It's very interesting to see my boss so hectic over it. Hehehe.

Take this one for instance:

Lovely isn't it? Trying seeing that and Colts all over my store. By the end of this month, my people will be so ecstatic of the football hoopla being over, that they will make a huge HUGE cookie cake to celebrate. XD I don't blame them.

Btw, if anybody was wondering what my cast looked like, here's a pic of it:

Here's a small pic of what I did with it. I didn't do a whole lot of pics so bear with me:

(I am aware that there are two different types of skin color on here, but the first was the show the type of cast I had. It's not exactly me up there. >_>;; The second pic IS me though. lol)
Didn't do a whole lot on dressing up my cast, because my momma was giving me a hard time as it is, but this is what little Gwen did with it. I'm so proud of her. :3

So anyways, I have a day off Sunday (Thank GOD) from the Bakery so I'm gonna hang out with Palmon at my house. Catch all ya'll later~!

sports, work

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